Eliminate physical and mental exhaustion naturally

Since a good diet is basic to be able to perform in our day to day, we should not overlook any of the three main meals. Remember that breakfast is essential

We have thousands of things going around our heads and hundreds of activities and obligations on the agenda. It is impossible not to fall exhausted! This fatigue not only affects our brain capacities but also our motor skills. We explain how to reduce physical and mental exhaustion naturally.

Am I physically and mentally exhausted?

Daily wear and tear can wreak havoc on our bodies. The feeling that you lack energy and want to spend the whole day sleeping can be the first warning sign.

The worst happens when you continue to be tired or listless despite sleeping for many hours at a time. The most common causes of physical and mental fatigue are:

  • Extensive working hours.
  • Intense exercise practice.
  • Not getting adequate sleep or sleep disturbances.
  • Abusing diuretics, tranquilizers, and laxatives.
  • Vitamin or protein deficiency.
  • Convalescence from illness or surgery.
  • Poor diet, anemia, or not meeting the number of daily intakes.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Smoke.
  • Obesity.
  • Stress or depressive disorders.
  • Diseases like diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, hepatitis, or hypothyroidism.

The symptoms

We have seen the causes of this exhaustion, now we are going to see how it manifests itself. The most common symptoms are:

  • A gradual reduction in energy and difficulty in doing daily activities.
  • Body weakness and poor physical performance.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pallor.
  • Difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, drowsiness.

  • Headache, lightheadedness, dizziness.
  • Discouragement, depression, irritability, lack of optimism.
  • Constipation.

  • Nightmares.

Foods to combat physical and mental exhaustion

Experts say that a good diet is very important to increase energy levels and deal with physical and mental exhaustion. As much as we are full of work, it is always good to take the time necessary for a full breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a light dinner.

We must not forget either the 2 snacks, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. These habits, followed by a healthy routine, can go a long way toward increasing your energy. That said, the best foods to help you reduce chronic fatigue are:


A study carried out by The University of Ecuador indicates that being rich in nutrients, calories, and potassium, they, therefore, provide us with a large amount of energy.

They offer us vitamin B6, associated with the prevention of anemia, and tryptophan, which helps improve mood and is involved in regulating sleep for greater rest. Eat a banana every day, whenever you want.


This wonderful vegetable is rich in vitamins especially A and B9 (known as folic acid). They help absorb magnesium and iron and prevent us from feeling lacking in strength and energy. Include this leafy green vegetable at least once a week in cakes, soups, or salads.


They have many carbohydrates and are excellent to eliminate fatigue and give us extra energy. They are very versatile and can be consumed in various ways. Prepare hamburgers, patés or stews with legumes. Lentils, beans, and chickpeas are the most recommended.


Along with the seeds, these foods provide a large amount of tryptophan and magnesium. They are said to reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue, physical or mental (or both). In any case, do not hesitate to consume:

  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Walnuts.
  • Pistachios
  • Dates
  • Poppy, flax, sesame, or sunflower seeds.

Red pepper

It is one of the foods that provide us with the most vitamin C, favoring the functioning of the immune system. It keeps us healthy and helps prevent chronic fatigue as it provides a lot of energy.

Similarly, citrus fruits are also highly recommended for their high content of this vitamin.

Green Tea

This delicious infusion with many properties, for example, to lose weight and purify the body, also allows us to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Due to its content in L-Theanine, it regulates the sleep cycle.


Although there is no scientific evidence, they say that foods that undergo fermentation are very good at balancing the number of beneficial microorganisms in our intestines. Sauerkraut or kefir are excellent options to combat physical and mental exhaustion.


If we are dehydrated we lack energy. It is necessary to consume 2 to 3 liters of water a day to moisturize the cells, organs, mucous membranes, and skin. This way we will avoid sleep and fatigue, especially when we do certain activities or it is very hot.


It is perfect to revitalize the body and overcome physical exhaustion due to the substances it provides. Thanks to its antibiotic properties, it has a large number of amino acids, as well as potassium, phosphate, and silicon.

It improves the amount of oxygen in the cells, decreases the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles, and increases resistance to fatigue. It is widely used in the diets of high-level athletes, for example, as it improves their performance naturally. It is also good for making better use of blood glucose.

Royal jelly

All derivatives of honey are perfect to combat fatigue or chronic tiredness. In the case of royal jelly (the queen's food in the honeycomb), it is ideal for people with a large number of tasks or activities per day.

It has energetic, metabolic, antioxidant, and nutritional properties. Consume a teaspoon of royal jelly in the morning, along with your breakfast.

You can also opt for pollen or honey to sweeten your infusions or desserts since use of pollen is incorporated into the most recent avant-garde techniques of the moment.


Some plants have the ability to reduce tiredness, help us sleep better, and prevent symptoms of chronic fatigue. Before going to bed you can drink a mint or cinnamon tea. You can also consume it in the morning for breakfast. Don't forget to sweeten it with honey or stevia.

They are natural remedies that will help you combat that physical and mental exhaustion that limits you in your daily activity.

Do not hesitate to put them into practice always accompanied by a good diet and the advice of your doctor, since you must be careful since some of the plants are not recommended under certain treatments.

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