Ways to reduce belly fat
Is belly fat a problem area for you? Rest assured, you are not alone if abdominal fat loss is difficult for you. And there are ways, through a combination of diet and exercise (and a healthy dose of discipline!), With which you can overcome this bulge. The master shot, if there ever was one, would be if you could focus on these abdominal exercises that really work. Fortunately for you, the experts have done a little research on this front, so now all you need to do is read and get going.
What works best?
The best exercises to lose abdominal fat
1. Bicycle maneuver
2. Captain's Chair
3. Ball crunch
4. Oblique crunch and abdominal crunch
5. Tables and side tables
6. Other Yoga postures
What works best?
With the option of aerobic exercise, resistance training or weight training, and interval training - not to mention a ton of different exercise styles to accomplish each one - what should you focus your time and effort on? According to research comparing the effectiveness of resistance exercise that exercises those muscles (such as push-ups), interval running exercise, and aerobic exercise (such as swimming/walking/dancing/tennis), sprinting at intervals, it was the one with the best results. The researchers found that this process of sprinting for a short interval followed by a slower step, and then re-sprinting, was better at reducing belly fat as well as general fat in the shortest amount of time.
Another suggestion from the research is that instead of doing a low-intensity workout like a short walk at a comfortable pace, you should walk or jog at a rate where you are out of breath and find it difficult to speak while exercising. This high-intensity exercise training, according to them, was better for reducing abdominal fat among the test subjects: women with obesity due to metabolic syndrome.
However, in general, most experts agree that to achieve weight loss, even if you only have one problem area that you want to treat, it is best to use a combination of these various types of activities. Instead of just relying on abdominal exercises to lose abdominal fat, you should combine toning and strengthening exercises with high-calorie burning exercises, including aerobic or cardiovascular exercises. Working out with weights will help you strengthen your muscles, and resistance training will strengthen your core, making your abs adjust from the inside out.
So in addition to the specific exercises you will see below, which target your abs, in particular, you should also consider working 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. As you burn calories and combine them with building muscle in your abdominal region, you should start to see the results you're looking for. Assuming, of course, that your diet and lifestyle are also on track.
The best exercises to lose abdominal fat
1. Bicycle maneuver
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Leading the way in a study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) was bicycle maneuvering. This movement required the individual to constantly work on abdominal stabilization, required body rotation, and brought the greatest muscular activity from the oblique muscles. The best part of this exercise is that you don't need any equipment. To do this:
- Lie down on the floor making sure that your lower back is pressed against the floor.
- Place your hands on either side of your head while bringing your knees to a 45-degree angle.
- Now move them as if you were on a bicycle, pedaling as you move them.
- Raise your shoulders slightly while bringing your right elbow to touch your left knee, then your left elbow to touch your right knee.
- Continue the pedaling motion, alternating your legs, and making sure your breathing stays relaxed.
2. Captain's Chair
- Grasp the handgrips and stabilize your torso and upper body while pressing your lower back against the back support pad.
- Hold your body up while your legs are hanging down.
- Now begin to bring your knees to your chest slowly and deliberately
- Then return them to that hanging position. Repeat.
3. Ball crunch
All you need for this exercise is an exercise ball, making it something you can easily do at home or when you're working outdoors.- Take out your exercise ball and sit on it keeping your feet flat on the ground.
- Slowly roll the ball back so you can rest on it with your torso and thighs parallel to the ground.
- Tuck your chin in and cross your arms across your chest.
- Contract your abdominal muscles as you raise your torso to a 45-degree angle (no more).
- Exhale as you contract your muscles and inhale as you return to the original position.
- If you are staggering, spread your legs a little wider. As the weeks go by and you strengthen your core, you will be able to do this exercise with your feet closer together, making it a more challenging exercise.
4. Oblique crunch and abdominal crunch
To make an oblique crunch:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent so your feet are flat on the floor.
- Put your hands behind your ears or place them on your chest.
- Now get up slowly by lifting your shoulders off the floor, toward your hips. Keep your shoulders about two inches off the ground for a few seconds.
- Then lower them slowly.
5. Tables and side tables
Other exercises that are great for your stomach are planks and side planks. All of these target your core muscles and can help you get closer to that flat-toned stomach you desire. They are also recommended by health authorities, as well as by yoga practitioners for core strength exercise. The board is a basic exercise that most are familiar with and you only need one exercise mat.
- Lie on your stomach keeping your elbows tucked close to your body below your shoulders, palms flat with your fingers forward.
- Keep your abdominal muscles tense, contract your thighs so that your legs are straight and your ankles are flexed.
- Raise your torso off the ground keeping it stiff.
- The back and rib cage must not sink, and the legs must also remain rigid.
- Do not allow your shoulders to move upward in a shrug position and do not bend your knees or raise your hips.
- Make sure the shoulders remain over the elbows and the palms flat down the entire body.
- Keep your abdomen strong for at least five seconds - longer if you get it right.
- Slowly lower yourself down retaining the same stiffness in the leg and torso as before. Your back shouldn't hurt. The American Council for Exercise suggests that you contact a doctor if you experience pain in your lower back during this exercise.
The side plank is also called the Vasisthasana in yoga and is best performed by those who are more advanced in yoga. It is also not recommended for those with shoulder, elbow, or wrist injuries and could cause serious harm if performed by anyone with these problems.

- To do this, lay your body on your side on your elbow so that your shoulder is directly above your elbow.
- Lift your hips and straighten your legs to create a perfect diagonal line from toe to head.
- Contract those abs and hold the pose for at least 5 seconds, more if you're comfortable. Between 8 and 10 repetitions is ideal.
- Change sides and repeat on the other elbow and leg
6. Other Yoga postures
In yoga, certain postures and movements target the abdominal region such as the cobra pose or Bhujangasana that requires you to lie face down on the floor arching the upper part of your upper back so that your chest rises ground.The bow pose or Dhanurasana is another pose that is good for your abs and according to experts can elevate the effects of the cobra pose.
For this you have to:
- Lie on your stomach with your knees bent and your heels toward your buttocks. Your core must remain engaged while doing this.
- Stretch out your hand to support your ankles or feet. Initially, it may be easier to hold any part of your leg that you can reach.
- Try to lift your legs off the floor and then your shoulders and head, as your calves and thigh muscles contract, pushing your feet toward your hands.
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