Coronavirus: Eight problems increase the risk of death

As much as there is a panic among people about coronavirus, caution is not so much. The coronavirus has now spread worldwide in the form of epidemics. Experts say the coronavirus is ten times more deadly than the seasonal flu. And those who already have some problems with their body are more likely to be infected with the coronavirus. However, with some precautions, the virus can be prevented from attacking. Expert doctors have advised being extra careful if any of the following eight problems match with yours. They are-

1. Diabetes: 

People with diabetes have a higher risk of coronary heart disease than others. Don Hogarth, a diabetes doctor in the United Kingdom, says coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a "bipolar disorder" for people with diabetes. If someone has diabetes and coughs, body temperature rises, shortness of breath; Then you need to check your blood sugar from time to time.

2. Heart problems: 

Heart patients are number two on this list. This is because the immune system of patients suffering from heart problems is weakened. When infected with the virus, their bodies cannot resist it vigorously.

3. Asthma: 

Astral helps to move air in and out of the lungs. The respiratory tract is infected when infected with the coronavirus. As asthma patients go through this problem on their own, the coronavirus further increases their risk. Experts say asthma patients should use inhalers if they are infected with the coronavirus. Death can happen if you are not aware.

4. Lung problems or tuberculosis:

 If you have lung problems or tuberculosis, it becomes much more difficult to fight the coronavirus.

5. Cancer: 

Cancer patients are most at risk from the coronavirus. And it is much harder to recover from an attack. The coronavirus does not want to miss the opportunity to easily overwhelm its weakened immune system.

6. Stomach Problems:

 For those who have digestive problems and are in extreme distress with the stomach, the coronavirus is like a death knell. Experts say that those who suffer from such problems need to be extra vigilant at this time. People with this type of immune system do not have the ability to fight the coronavirus.

7. Weakened Immune System:

Experts say no vaccine has yet been developed to prevent coronavirus. The only way to prevent this is through the immune system. Therefore, they also advised not to take paracetamol. However, those with weakened immune systems are at risk.

8. Smoking: 

Experts say that smokers are fourteen times more likely to be infected with the coronavirus than others. In addition, many people share a cigarette in the chat of friends, there is a separate risk. That is why they have advised us to quit smoking during this difficult time.

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