The importance of education in your personal development

Education begins from the moment you open your eyes on day 1 and thus influences your development.

Education is a powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.

This quote from the legendary Nelson Mandela perfectly represents the importance of education. An individual's formation begins with the first question, and ends with the last, which means that it can (and should) last a lifetime. Training has a great impact on personal growth, which later influences relationships and success in the workplace. Enriching your brain with valuable new information improves the ability to think, analyze, and process.

Start early

The truth is that a child begins to learn as soon as he opens his eyes. A child is exploring and discovering the world by playing, touching, smelling, observing, and asking. The first contact children have with formal education is usually kindergarten, but there are several options for pre-kindergarten education. In fact, they can greatly benefit from attending an early learning center as it creates the perfect foundation for lifelong learning. Children who start their early education create a healthy learning habit and consider things such as reading a normal part of life, rather than an annoying task.

Educational cycle and personal growth

For both children and adults, education begins with a question and continues for the collection of objective information, placing it in the proper context, in which it is assimilated and processed to become knowledge that broadens horizons. Expanding horizons is necessary for personal development and goes far beyond formal education. If you are 40 years old and choose to read an important work of literature, such as Ulises by James Joyce, your horizons will expand act after act.

Education and self-confidence

In the words of the Indian author, Chanakya: "Education is your best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education overcomes beauty and youth." This implies that your self-image will be clearer and more positive the more you learn. Knowledge is a lifelong asset that can never be taken from you, and can always be updated. Learning can improve your confidence in many ways, improving your position in society, making you feel good about yourself, allowing you to put your ideas forward more eloquently, providing a solid foundation for a career, and in the end, plays an important role in financial success.

Beyond formal education

Schooling is not the only acceptable form of learning. Additional knowledge and skills should be acquired throughout your life. Lifelong learning is a path for those who have a positive attitude towards professional and personal progress. It differs from formal education because it is a voluntary act. People can decide what to learn based on their context, origin, history of where they live, work-related topics, or basically anything that challenges their minds and expands their horizons.

Learning as a skill

Learning is a skill too and you have to master it, especially if, during your formal education, you were an apprentice at heart. Remember that the condition for learning to occur is the will. If you struggle to stay positive about learning, chances are you won't do well. Effective learning means that you must find the information to be translated into knowledge or skills. Always take notes, analyze, question, and reflect on everything you learn.

Lifelong learning carries a number of benefits for continued personal and professional growth. In Henry Ford's immortal words: "Anyone who stops learning is old, either at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning is young."

Remember that there are MOOCs courses that allow you to stay updated because education evolves and with it society.

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