The best strategies to get a job.
Many people have been struggling to eradicate unemployment for a long time. After finishing his studies, the results are also good but he has not met the golden deer called job yet. And he has to fight hard to find the golden deer. Yet there is no hadith. The matter is painful. And many job seekers have to be emptied of the bitterness of this disease.
The formula for getting a job has changed. The world is evolving and so are the systems. The idea that you can get a good job only if you are the first boy or first girl in the class has passed long ago. There was a time when parents used to say, learn math and English well, otherwise, you will not get a good job. That day is no more. Even relying on English and computer knowledge is not going to go ahead. In line with the new age, new demand has been added to the job market in recent times. The new job seekers have to equip themselves with all the new qualifications keeping in line with it.
1. New methods and networking:
Suppose a post suddenly needs a few employees. It is often ridiculous for employers to take written and oral exams of candidates by advertising in newspapers for a few positions. The problem is solved only if there is someone worthy among the acquaintances in the neighborhood. What is the need for this grand event? Believe me, if you own a company, you will think the same. There is nothing wrong with that. So, if you can't find it within the familiar boundaries, call your colleagues and subordinates. They are told to find out for themselves. With the exception of a few companies, most of the companies do not see the job advertisements in the newspapers. So will most of those jobs be out of your reach? If you do not want to, then you need to strategically take a place in the second level, where the best employers in the country or senior executives of the company will be within your boundaries. In modern academic language, it can be called 'networking'. To maintain a good position in the job market you must build a strong network.
2. Pay attention to the CV:
The CV must specify the career objective. Beautifully presented objectives certainly impress employers. Within a maximum of two or three lines, the organization needs to highlight its strengths according to its needs. Of course, it should not annoy employers. It is better to keep the CV as short as possible. If the result of the exam is below CGPA ranking 3, it is better not to write, but in that casework experience should be given priority. There is no problem in not giving details of SSC and HSC results. Marital status, nationality, religion, weight, height, all this information is not very important. As a reference, freshers must select a teacher from his or her educational institution. There may be another, someone well-known in the organization you are applying to. No blood relatives should be mentioned here. However, those who will be referred must be informed. It is best if they have a copy of the CV.
3. Extracurricular:
Extracurricular activities are very important in today's corporate offices. The more co-educational activities you can mention in the CV, the more likely you are to be called for a job interview. In 2009, a seminar on 'University Students and Globalization' was organized at Dhaka University's TSC. Professor Lee of Taiwan, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, said to the students, "Be useful, be useful for the society." It is also possible to make one's career colorful by qualifying oneself for society. Extracurricular activities will help you in many ways. Being well-argued means you can make good presentations. These are the qualities that all employers expect. You can join a photography or drama club. This will further improve your public relations qualities.
4. Volunteer:
A simple step in expanding the network is to volunteer in social development organizations. Through this one can get acquainted with many talented people. Many people will know you then who are working in high positions in other organizations. As a result, they may contact you when they need staff.
5. Stay updated:
It's time to move on. Even among hundreds of people, the eyes of the employer fall on you. If he finds special qualities in you, then the job will be in your hands. This requires knowing something in advance about the employer's organization. The websites of the organizations are very useful in this work. It is enough to visit those websites regularly. Make a list of your favorite organizations. Find out about their job advertisements. Understand the type of job and create an application form. You can also apply online. Use all modern technology. Many well-known companies like the BBC also e-mailed news of new jobs. You can be a member of those mailing lists. In the case of NGOs, know in advance about their projects. Understanding the opportunity, you can mail them your interest and suggestions about a project.
6. Create reference:
Many are doing internships at the world-famous organization Google. They said that Google takes 60 percent of the employees through a reference. It is unreasonable to think that references will be created easily. For this, you have to be enterprising yourself. Important Save the visiting card of the person with whom you will be introduced. You can send them greetings at various festivals. Express sympathy when you hear the news of their grief. If possible, extend a hand of cooperation. This is an easy way to increase references.
7. Knowledge about the job market:
To get the job you want, you must have a good knowledge of the job market. When the demand for a job is high, you have to anticipate it. We have to prepare accordingly.
Planning and training according to interest:
In a 2001 lecture at the famous Stamford University in the United States, Apple founder Steve Jobs told students, "You have to find the work of love." No one else will decide what your work of love is. Understand yourself and understand which is your favorite job. And there are enough training opportunities for the job of choice. From graphic design, web design, photography, video editing to radio jockey making factories. You can also learn different languages.
8. Go to job fairs:
Every year there are job fairs in various categories. Employers from different organizations appeared there with job offerings. Don't forget to take a nicely arranged CV before going to the job fair. Institutions also organize various seminars at the fair. You have to take part in that seminar to know the reality of the job.
9. 'Please call me':
Since the need is yours, you have to go ahead and say 'please call me'. In this case, you can submit your CV before giving recruitment notice of different companies. You can also mention the position according to your qualifications and needs in the application form. If the qualification is in more than one position, you can mention different positions.
10. The riches of life cannot be lost:
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dropped out of university at one point. Later, he took a course in calligraphy from Reed College as a hobby. He did not think that this calligraphy could come in handy. Ten years later, when Steve was designing a Macintosh computer, his calligraphy came in handy. The calligraphy crop of Font Jobs on Mac computers. Next time Windows uses Mac fonts. So it is said that if Jobs had not learned calligraphy, the computer might not have had such beautiful fonts. Like Steve Jobs, all the knowledge of life will work for you as a single point. So fill your experience bag as much as possible. You will get the simple solution of life through all of them.
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