What is the Vegan Diet? Learn more about it

According to many nutritionists, the secret to longevity lies in vegetarian food. According to many, the body is deficient in many essential elements without eating animal protein. The conflict between vegetarian and non-vegetarian is eternal. Everyone knows that they are vegetarians only if they eat vegetables. But many are not familiar with the word vegan. When vegetarians do not eat all the food, call them vegans. That means not only fish and meat but also vegans don't eat eggs, milk, and any milk products like lamb, yogurt, cheese, Sandesh, rasgolla. Don't even wear wool, leather, or silk. Their initiative is to save the environment including animals. Ducks, chickens, cows, buffaloes, pigs, etc. are reared for our food. Like vegans in this regard, artificial cultivation disturbs the balance of the environment.

The Vegan Society was founded in 1944 on the initiative of Donald Watson. The vegan diet has been talked about since 2010. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the various phytochemicals in vegetables and fruits (special natural chemicals in plants that produce different colors and flavors) are found in about 4,000 phytochemicals in various fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes, watermelons, carrots, mangoes, blackberries, spinach, etc.) increase the body's resistance to disease. This is why the vegan diet is becoming increasingly popular among people in America and Europe.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, a vegan diet is playing a significant role in preventing various diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure.

Scientists in Japan and Italy have found that the vegan diet is not suitable for everyone. In particular, the lack of animal protein in the body due to the lack of vitamin B-12 can cause various problems in children. So it is better to eat vegetarian and non-vegetarian.

Nutritionists say there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to vegetarian and vegan diets. If you are on a vegan diet, you must eat soybeans. Because soybeans contain almost all the essential amino acids (the main constituents of protein) that the body needs. But it does not contain vitamin B-12.

83% of those who have adapted to a vegan diet suffer from vitamin B-12 deficiency. So those who do not eat milk and dairy foods, they must take vitamin B-12 supplement with expert advice. Vitamin B-12 plays a significant role in regulating blood production and brain function. So a vegan diet can lead to anemia as well as memory loss. So if you want to go on a vegan diet, you must take the advice of a nutritionist.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a much-needed ingredient from fish-meat, is found to help regulate the functioning of our brain, retina, and nervous system. Since DHA is very low in the vegan diet, you have to take supplements. The vegan diet is extremely effective in preventing prostate cancer. People with a family history of prostate cancer have a higher risk of developing the disease.

After the age of 55, you can try the vegan diet. Those who have already had this cancer and are undergoing treatment will also be able to realize for themselves how well they are feeling physically if they experiment with a vegan diet for a while. However, it should not be forgotten that the vegan diet is relatively low in vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and iron. So take supplements. At the same time, you have to keep in mind the food according to your taste. Stay well by eating a balanced diet, stay healthy.

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