COVID-19: What is the Coronavirus teaching us?

The poet has said, ‘The sky taught me to be generous.’ In fact, there is a school of nature. That school is open all the time. It is open to all. Anyone can learn from here anytime. The poet describes this school in this way, "Schools around the world are mine, I am the student of all."

 At this time the epidemic called Coronavirus is giving us some lessons. People can use that education in the future. Here are 20 important lessons:

1. Health is a great asset: 

You can feel when you are sick - what a great blessing health is. Not wealth, not honor, staying healthy is actually the biggest thing. The importance of well-being cannot be realized if you are not sick, just as the dignity of teeth is not known to have teeth. Coronavirus in a new way raises the concern that it is important to properly assess the recovery time before becoming ill. A comparison of a corona-infected person and his family with another healthy person and his family will reveal everything. That is why the coronavirus is strongly promoting the precious resource called health.

2. Keeping one's feet outside is also a big issue: 

The poet has written, ‘I have not seen two feet from the house with my eyes closed.’ The issue of leaving the near beauty and running towards the distant beauty has been highlighted here. And now the beauty of the near is also out of reach. An Italian doctor wrote, "If people understood the horrors of coronavirus, they would not even look out the window." In such a dangerous situation, one does not have the courage to step out of the house. Now everyone realizes how fortunate it is to be able to set foot outside the house. Corona is introducing all the truths in a new way.

3. Life is trivial: 

Coronavirus has taught us the smallness and decay of life. Coronavirus presents us with the living truth that death is the inevitable destiny and consequence of human life. Every living thing will taste death. That could lead to death at any time. So one should always be ready for death. It is necessary to give up unwanted illusions, delusions, pride, and ego. You need to keep all your work transparent and clean. So as not to regret after the inevitable death.

4. No power is infinite;

Coronavirus has taught us that no matter how much people improve in industry, education, power, armaments, science, and technology, no one is really infinite. On the one hand, power on the other hand is helpless. Helpless surrender is now visible all over the world. The world is in danger today at the hands of a tiny virus. There is no good news anywhere. Seeing the fall of the heroic arm showing infinite power, it is understood that no one is actually infinite. Everything has boundaries. Infinite is the only creator. Bravery like the Creator does not suit any creation.

5. Nature cannot be disturbed: 

When a man is under house arrest, nature is intoxicated with joy. Due to the closure of public gatherings on the shores of the sea, fish and dolphins have joined the water sports. Birds are enjoying a lot of joy because of noise pollution, air pollution is reduced. The river is getting back its color. The trees have also become fresher. Nature is full of oxygen. The beasts of the forest have come down on the unmanned highway. Overall an environment is full of biodiversity. People have forgotten the last time they saw such an environment. As a result, it is easy to understand that man can live in a more beautiful environment if nature does not bother them.

6. Cleanliness:

Clean hygiene is the most important factor in preventing coronavirus infection. Handwashing with soap, disinfection in sanitizer, bleaching powder, and various disinfectants are being used to stay disease-free. Initiation is seen to stay away from infection by doing body cleansing and washing clothes. It is advisable to give up bad habits like putting your hands on your nose, mouth, eyes, and spitting unnecessarily. There is also national awareness on the use of gloves-caps-masks, disinfection of food items, and disinfection of wearables. These good habits can be used in daily life.

7. No one belongs to anyone:

The child is leaving his mother on the street and leaving his father in the forest. Leaving his brother's body, he disappeared. Sister reluctant to see their sister. Friends are denying friendship. Being close to strangers. That is pushing away anyone who can. Social beings, like humans, take on antisocial forms and are trapped in their own circles. One state after another is closing the border. Most people are busy making a living by squeezing the hand of help and cooperation. In fact, coronavirus has taught us the cruel reality. This virus gives comprehensive instructions to go away and stay away. From here it can be assumed that no one belongs to anyone in the final test.

8. Savings is energy: 

Savings means resorting to hard times. Before there was a paddy filled with shells, fish filled with ponds, fields filled with crops. The ark was full of money. Due to all these, bad times could not be found. Now there is no such way. Now people go to the bank. Life goes on with the goods bought with money. In the meantime, those who have the habit of savings have confidence And the plight of others. So Coronavirus taught us the tendency to savings.

9. Etiquette: 

There is a saying nowadays called smart etiquette. Europe-America and modern educated people were familiar with the etiquette of sneezing and coughing as ‘sorry’, ‘excuse me’ etc. However, these are only superficial expressions. The health aspect is neglected. There is no health protection even in handshakes and hugs. This time the coronavirus shook everywhere. It is said that it is more important to reduce health risks than etiquette.

10. Self-purification: 

There is a famous quote from Dr. Devi Sethi, a renowned Indian heart specialist. He said, ‘Thank God when you sleep at night, thank God when you wake up in the morning, stay healthy.’ He actually said that so as not to forget the spiritual thing. Many more medical scientists have said that the mental energy that comes from surrendering to the Creator. This time the opportunity has come to worship/pray from house to house with a more focused mind towards that Creator. Besides, there is also the benefit of learning the values of the family environment. Let's just talk about a mask. From the mask, it can be learned that wherever the mouth cannot be used, the unbridled use of the mouth is forbidden. Thus the golden opportunity to purify oneself and others more in this coronavirus time.

11. Awareness of the disease: 

Not only this virus, but also the plague of the past, leprosy, and Ebola from the spring to the recent period, the symptoms, causes, remedies, and results of SARS have now become experts in the house. These pathologists can play an important role in raising awareness and caution in the future.

12. Lifestyle changes: 

The same healthy body and a beautiful mind can create the right person. A routine of healthy and safe living has become known. Almost everyone has an idea about when to eat, when to go to bed, what to do, what to skip, etc. In particular, awareness has been raised about quitting smoking, not staying up late, eating on time, healthy recreation, spending time on creative work, and exercise. Many have also become accustomed to following the advice of nutritionists and lifestyle specialists. These can be used in the future.

13. Changing eating habits: 

Eating out, bringing food to home delivery, fast food, etc. Corona has given a big slap in the face of the culture. Coronavirus infection has been found in food in these processes. So many people are stopping these habits and spending their days on homemade food. The coronavirus has shown that life goes on without food. Besides, the herbal, vitamin and organic ingredients in the food have returned to the food plate-like in the golden past. People are consuming black cumin, honey, vitamin C, lemon water, yellow tea, milk, eggs, bananas, and other foods that increase immunity. The practice of abstaining from eating unhealthy foods has been adopted as various events are closed at home and abroad.

14. Giving time to the family: 

The world is very competitive. The race is going on equally everywhere. The family was getting lost in the crowd of office, business, profession. People are starting to forget that family is an important social institution due to lack of time. The coronavirus has brought people back into the family. Family beauty comes to the fore anew. People who have been in a long lockdown are starting to think of family as a valuable part of their lives again.

15. Making mental strength: 

Coronavirus has brought a big shock to the mind. There is unrest, full of bad news all around. More danger if attacked at such a time. You have to leave your loved ones and go to the silence of the grave. Didn't meet anyone. Maybe meeting the doctor-nurse from time to time. However, living in solitude full of equipment is also becoming mentally weak. Some are accepting death in this way. Doctors say that corona victory requires treatment as well as mental fortitude. The coronavirus cannot do much good if the body, as well as the mind, develops resistance. This new aspect of clinical psychology will play an important role in the study of pathology.

16. Globalization: 

Airplanes are moving faster than the speed of sound. The world is trying to run even faster than the speed of light. People can have breakfast in the West, have lunch in the Middle East, come to the East, and have dinner. The unimaginable advancement of the communication system and information technology has brought the world in the palm of your hand. That is why the world is called the world village. The whole world is like a village. Named Global Village. The coronavirus epidemic has brought the world closer. More acquaintances. The time of coronavirus, where what is happening, how people are living, how people are dying, what is the cause, what are the consequences, everything is coming to the fore. Even the global spread of the corona in this way is the evil of globalization.

The situation is such that pharmaceutical companies in other countries have started collecting recipes for medicines made in Japanese labs. Similar exchanges and communications are taking place in other areas as well. The best scene of globalization is being staged now. We have to move forward with this in mind.

17. Digitization: 

The world is now in the final stages of digitization. After the announcement of lockdown due to Corona, various activities including a digital office are going on. From the White House to Ganobhaban - digital presence is visible everywhere. All over the world, there are alternatively active by adopting the digital concept. This digitization is the most effective way to collect and supply any data. This alternative method can be used to deal with the situation in the future.

18. Use of social media: 

There is no time to deny the role of social media including Facebook and Twitter. Any data is instantly coming into the hands of people in lockdown. Maybe rumors / exaggerated/biased issues are also floating here. Even then, the real news drives the rumors at the end of the day. That is why people under house arrest keep an eye on social media for information and opinions. As a result, it is necessary to decide what to do in the future keeping in mind the widespread use of these media.

19. The triumph of electronic media: 

There is a rumor in the printed version of the media that the coronavirus can be transmitted. Later, the World Health Organization explained that it was baseless. However, the reference of the organization did not remove the strong idea. On the contrary, the panic did not go away as some doctors instructed to be careful in this regard. The victory of electronic media in this opportunity was eye-catching. Electronic and online-based media news and feature dependence among people peaked. However, the print media did not die. People also stumble upon online versions of various print media. In line with the situation, print journalism as well as the importance of online style is emphasized.

20. Ability Test: 

This is called the era of the triumph of science and progress. Artificial intelligence has joined human intelligence. Never before has there been so much engineering, technology, so much information. It is very easy to win anything at this time. There, a whole planet is ruined by a tiny invisible force called the coronavirus. The best creatures in the world are embarrassed today. Renowned scientist, the renowned research lab is not finding a solution to get rid of this virus. So even at this time, the coronavirus is laughing at the question of how much ability people are gaining. The Coronavirus teaches that there is much more to be done to survive successfully.

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