Food and nutrition for the new mother

The immense suffering that a mother endures to show her child the light of the world is not like expressing in words. Even after the birth of a child, the urge to accept a mother's sacrifice increases but does not decrease. Everyone knows that you have to take care of the baby from birth. But did you know that the care and growth of a healthy strong child depend on the proper care and nutrition of the mother? Every new mother needs adequate care after the child is born. After the baby is born, everyone's attention is mostly on the baby. Everyone forgets to look at the health of the new mother. But at this time mothers need extra care. The new mother needs nutritious food to overcome the physical weakness of childbirth and recover. In addition, newborns are dependent on breast milk for the first few months. Her physical nutrition depends entirely on breast milk at this time.

Why the new mother needs extra nutrition?

A new mother has to eat more than other women. Even a pregnant woman has more food needs. The mother of the newborn needs this extra food to replenish her own body as well as to breastfeed the baby.

The newborn mother needs about 26 grams more protein than usual with an extra 650 calories. Therefore, the mother of the newborn should eat more protein foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, pulses, etc. every day. Boiled food should be eaten more. Usually, 20-30 ounces of milk are produced daily in the breast of a newborn mother. 1 gram of milk protein is made from 2 grams of dietary protein. This is possible only if mothers consume half or two-thirds of the 100 grams of protein daily, such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. Animal protein is an excellent ingredient in breast milk.

1. Sugary foods:

The importance of sugary foods in increasing the performance of the mother of the newborn and regaining the lost physical energy is immense. Rice, flour, potatoes, molasses, sugar, etc. are rich in carbohydrates. According to the needs of the mother, sugary foods play a significant role in the physical development of the mother and her baby.

2. Protein or non-vegetarian food:

All types of pulses, bean sprouts, small fish, dried fish, eggs, etc. have a lot of protein. Egg yolks contain vitamin D, minerals, and other nutrients that strengthen baby bones. One to two eggs can be eaten in a day.

3. Fiber-rich foods:

High-fiber foods do not want to be easily digested. New mothers almost always suffer from constipation. Therefore, you should eat more fibrous food. Taro leaf, Drumstick, Plantain Flower, Lady's finger, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knolkhol, Bean, Pointed gourd, Aram, Brinjal, Asparagus bean, Green Pea, Water spinach, Mint leaves, Basil, Radish leaves, Stem Amaranth Leaves, Pumpkin leaves and Bottle Gourd Leaves. You can also drink cumin water. Cumin increases the amount of lactic and helps in the digestion of food.

4. Vegetables.

Any greens are beneficial for new mothers. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins. Spinach, Taro spinach, is one of them. It contains a lot of vitamin A, folic acid, which makes new blood cells. For mothers who are bleeding during childbirth, it is very important to eat spinach.

5. Fruits:

Newborns and mothers should eat a variety of fruits for nutrition. If you do not want to eat fruit, you can eat fresh fruit juice. Different seasonal fruits contain a lot of vitamins. Fruits are rich in vitamins.

6. Dairy food:

Milk and dairy foods are high in protein and fat. Especially cow's milk contains protein. Drink two glasses of milk every day. One glass of milk will meet the needs of many nutrients including calcium and vitamins. Milk also helps to keep the body hydrated.

7. Omega 3 fats in the diet:

There is no substitute for omega 3 fats to compensate for the damage done to the mother's body and to the development of the baby's brain. It also plays a role in the formation of a baby's teeth and bones. Almonds, small marine fish, catfish, etc. should be eaten. Fish oil contains a lot of omega 3 fats which help the new mother to overcome the stress of pregnancy. New mothers should eat wood nuts regularly. This is because wood nuts contain vitamin E and essential oils in addition to omega 3 fatty acids.

8. Mineral salt:

Calcium is one of the most well-known and important mineral salts. Calcium strengthens our bone and tooth structure. Prevents bone and tooth decay and fights arthritis, rheumatic diseases. The contribution of calcium in relieving anemia in new mothers is immense. Iodine also prevents various diseases including goiter, weakness, breast cancer. Iodine is easily obtained from fish oil, various marine fish, iodine mixed food salt. In addition to iodine, cod liver oil contains vitamin A, a valuable ingredient that prevents blindness and night blindness. There is also calcium, which strengthens children's bones and teeth.

9. Water:

Water contains a lot of minerals. All foods contain more or less water. Water is needed for food intake, digestion, and absorption. Water keeps the blood fluid and removes contaminants from the body along with excrement. Lack of water causes digestive problems and constipation. The newborn drinks mother's milk so the mother has to drink plenty of water. After the birth of the child, the mother often shows dehydration. The mother of a newborn child has to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

10. Drinks and smoking:

Newborn mothers must avoid a variety of alcoholic beverages and smoke, keeping in mind their child's well-being and the child's physical and mental development.

11. Foods that are discarded:

Junk food, high caffeinated beverages, extra spicy foods, saturated fats must be avoided by the mother of the newborn. Partially cooked food is not good for the new mom. It can cause physical harm to her child as well as physical harm to her. This is because undercooked foods can contain a variety of bacteria that are harmful to the body.


As a newborn mother, are you aware enough about your nutrition? Do you eat nutritious food regularly? The reality is that mothers keep themselves busy caring for their children after they are born. They don't remember their food on time. That is why the mother herself and everyone in the family should pay attention to this. Newborns get all kinds of nutrients from mother's milk. How can a child get nourishment if the mother does not eat proper and nutritious food? For the physical and mental development of your child, as a mother, you should include in the diet all the foods that are rich in nutrients. The bright future of your newborn lies in your proper food management.

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