How to get a long and healthy life?

According to a special report on health at Harvard University Medical School, the secret of longevity lies not only in creation but also in scientific living, not just living in a clean environment. In the last 100 years, the average life expectancy has increased significantly, especially in developed countries. But what has changed in our genes today from what they were a hundred years ago? If so, how did life expectancy increase? Undoubtedly, living a scientific life and living in a clean environment has led people to a long life. A study published in the relevant American Journal of Medicine found that mortality was reduced by about 40 percent by making the desired changes in daily life alone. Thus the goal of longevity needs to be given special emphasis on these two topics as well as research on genes. Because we can add these two to our lives relatively easily.

Health organizations like World Health Organization, Harvard Medical School, Bangladesh Medical Association, etc. have given different opinions at different times for the purpose of a healthy and long life. Adding these together makes the issue stand out as follows, there is a tendency to cancer, avoid all things that are known as much as possible. Do not smoke in any way. According to the World Health Organization, smoking has a generally negative effect on health and longevity. Researchers at the University of Oxford in a study of British women in October 2012 found that those who quit smoking before the age of at least 40 could avoid an additional 90 percent chance of dying from cancer. Take the necessary steps to avoid the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. It is better not to stay in direct sun for a long time without protection. Stay at a safe distance from other harmful radiation grounds and hazardous pollution, including mobile towers. Make necessary changes in daily eating habits. Put nutritious cereals, vegetables, fruits, and fiber in your diet. Drink water, fruit juice, or any other healthy drink as needed. Avoid unhealthy ‘saturated fats’ like ghee, butter, etc. Avoid coloring and other unhealthy foods. Keep calorie control in mind. Researchers at The Institute of Healthy Aging at University College London say, "Eat 40 percent less, live longer ..." Reduce the amount of sugar, keep away heart disease. So if you can think of so many things, think, there is no harm. But if you can't, just measure the calories and eat and drink. Because of the University of California, Berkeley nutritionist. According to Hellerstein's research, calorie control not only helps prevent disease, but it also prolongs the human life span.

Keep your daily diet in adequate amounts with a variety of vitamins, calcium, and a variety of minerals and antioxidants. Tea, dark chocolate not only provides antioxidants, but it also keeps away from various deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease, etc. and most of all, it prevents aging a lot. However, do not drink tea or anything hot regularly. This will increase the chances of esophageal cancer. Care should be taken not to create excessive addiction or dependence on any food or drink.

To maintain the correct weight and structure of the body, you must do different types of exercise every day according to the rules. The Japan Medical Association thinks this will keep your heart and lungs healthy. Reduce blood pressure, body fat, bad cholesterol, stress, and fatigue, reduce the risk of bone injury and joint problems. Diabetes can be controlled or prevented, the amount of energy will increase, sleep will be better, muscle strength will increase, confidence and personality will increase, overall you will feel better and you will look better. Regular exercise will help older people stay away from illness.

Based on long research, experts from Wayne University in the United States are claiming that having a real smile will increase life expectancy. And experts at Boston University Medical Center say that if you want to live longer, reduce anxiety and worry.

According to Harvard Medical School, the death rate among pessimists is 42 percent higher. So even if you are old, don't be unduly frustrated or embarrassed by the aging or the inevitable signs of aging. Embrace the natural inevitability of all these, infuse green life into the gray of old age with humor, mutual respect, the beauty of personality, and necessary space with the new generation. A relevant report in The New York Times also clarifies, don't waste time worrying about getting older, keep social contact, avoid being isolated.

Make yourself constantly more educated. Real education can make a person lively and have a long life. Because education teaches you to adapt properly to the various ups and downs of nature and the surrounding environment. Many unwanted incidents and dangers can be avoided. Never be distracted when moving, take appropriate precautions at all times. Be careful about your overall health. If you want longevity, you have to live in a clean environment, with cleanliness. Work and rest, especially sleep, as needed. Perform deep breathing. The subject is extremely healthy. Regular health check-ups are essential. Even seemingly healthy people need a health checkup at least once a year. Also take cholesterol-lowering, high blood pressure control, or osteoporosis treatment. Seek the advice and help of a recognized physician in all cases requiring any treatment. Teeth need to be brushed regularly and the inside of the mouth should always be kept clean. If not, it can have a detrimental effect on nutrition. Even the bacteria in the teeth can affect the heart. At least that's what Harvard Medical School reports. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that regular and proper morning practice will eliminate the problem of constipation with various health benefits and avoid the risk of colorectal cancer.

The countries in the world that have been at the forefront of life expectancy for a long time are Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Italy, etc. Significantly, the countries are at the forefront financially. According to a relevant World Bank report, poverty harms human life expectancy. So in economically rich countries, life expectancy is much higher in general. However, among these countries, our Asian country Japan is undoubtedly significant. The Japanese live an average of about 72 years, but Shibuya, a professor of geopolitical policy at the University of Tokyo, and his colleagues think so.

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