Causes and remedies for failure in life

Hard work is the key to success or luck! What are your ideas? It takes luck to succeed in life, or a lot of hard work to succeed in life. Many believe that luck is the only key to success in life. However, this statement is nothing more than a misconception. Success has nothing to do with luck. The success of human life depends on the habits and attitudes of his daily life.

It is important to know the reasons for failure if you want to succeed. Just as you need to know how to succeed in life, you need to know why failure comes in life. Knowing these will make it easier for you to avoid failure in any area of life.

Failure basically teaches us two important things

1: We are doing something wrong.

2: We have to try a little different way.

Much of what you are as a person can be understood by judging a few of your habits or dispositions. If you do not give up after failing in the past, then you have to understand that you are much stronger mentally. And if you give up, the assessment will be the opposite. Naturally, no one wants to fail. Experts say there are a number of "bad" behaviors that can lead to failure.

Being able to realize your mistakes and try to correct them is usually one of the ways to overcome failure. And success is guaranteed only if you can overcome the failure. If you know the common causes of failure, of course, it will be easier to figure out why you are failing. If you know the real reasons for failure in life, you can avoid them. So, no matter what situation you are in, it will be to your advantage.

So let's find out the real causes of failure in human life:

01. Lack of discipline:

Failure is inevitable in the life of one who does not have discipline. For any kind of success, you have to be disciplined. If you want to do well in reading, you need to read regularly. If you want to improve your career, you have to work regularly. If you want spiritual success, you have to follow the rules of religion in an orderly manner. There is no substitute for discipline.

He who lacks this thing cannot do any work for a long time. If you decide to study every day from 9 am to 12 pm - you have to do it at any cost. The routine cannot be broken. If you or someone close to you is in danger, or someone needs help - then maybe you can get out of the routine temporarily. That is only because of the emergency. But watching the game, gossiping - if you break your routine regularly for this kind of unnecessary work - then you will not be successful at all.

The main quality of an orderly person is to work on time. All successful people in the world understand the value of time. If you do not value time, time will not value you. Laziness and abandonment of work - these are the biggest enemies of success. These can never exist among an orderly person.

Do what you need to do to succeed. Take control of yourself. This control does not come at once. It has to be mastered gradually through practice.

Many people believe that self-control and discipline are innate qualities. Whoever does not have it - will not be able to achieve it. This belief is very harmful. As long as someone has this belief - he can't change himself.

So, first of all, firmly believe that you can discipline yourself if you want. It does not need to do all the work on time in the first place. Fix a task every day that you will do on time at any cost. Practice it for a while, then increase the amount of work. When necessary - write it down. If you practice this way, you will be able to do all the work on time.

02. Easy to give up:

Many talented and intelligent people also fail in life due to this problem. No matter how much intelligence and talent you have - the day will not always be the same. At some point, you will perform better. The performance will never be good. Sometimes you will get good results by working, sometimes you will fail.

Some people assume that when they get worse than expected, nothing good will happen to them. They don't try anymore. Try to do something else. This habit makes people fail before they fail. Without seeing the end of anything, he took it as the end. It is a kind of mental paralysis. There are many examples of how perseverance fulfills dreams. But many give up at the beginning of a job due to a lack of self-confidence. Due to this, they also fall easily. Minor failures to reach the goal can be experienced. But accepting the ultimate failure on this basis is indicative of a weak mind.

You may have been born with a very good singing voice. Getting compliments from people around you has given you the confidence to take it as a career. But when you go out to perform - maybe you see that you are not getting much praise. Getting nervous when performing in front of strangers. After a while, you may give up.

But it's actually very normal. This is the time to actually hold the helm. You have to continue practicing and learning without getting frustrated. Many extraordinary talents in the world have not been able to succeed because of this. Again many ordinary people have succeeded by practicing day after day with the desire to do something. If you continue to practice and learn without giving up, you will definitely see the desired success at some point.

03. Extra fear of taking risks:

Anything should be decided by calculation. Doing something without thinking often leads to danger. Don't take risks in a hurry. But those who want to be extra secure, and shy away from anything at the slightest risk - often fail.

If you want to achieve great success, you must not be like everyone else. Must have the courage to go against the current. Must have a risk-taking mentality. If you follow the path that everyone is following, you will reach where everyone will reach.

Don't give up on your dreams by thinking about what people will say. If you want to fulfill big dreams, you have to take big risks. Those who talk about you today will appreciate your success tomorrow. If you have to go beyond the conventional style to fulfill the dream, take that risk. If you do not give up, you will be the winner at the end of the day.

04. Lack of proper planning:

Just having a goal or desire is not enough for success. There must be a proper plan to meet that goal. One of Antony de Saint's most famous sayings is, "A goal without a plan is nothing more than a dream."

Your plan doesn't have to be perfect. There is no guarantee that everything will compute the way you planned. But if you have a plan for the goal, you will have a roadmap. It will inspire you to do the real thing. Every morning you wake up and you know what to do.

If something goes wrong with the plan, you can always change it. And if you don't have a plan, you just sit there and do nothing. The result is an inevitable failure.

So you have to have a plan to achieve any goal in life. There is no such thing as having to be mindful of the situation to make a plan. Because nature doesn't like perfect planners. So it is important to have a strong mind to reach the destination. However, the purpose of the plan should be fairly clear. Otherwise, failure is guaranteed.

05. Fear of failure:

Fear of excessive failure does not allow people to start work. People waste many opportunities in life due to fear of additional failure. Because they don't try. This is the biggest failure. The probability of success is 10% if you try, and the probability of failure is 100% if you fall behind for fear of failure. In this context, Robert F. Kennedy said, "Only those that aren't scared of great failure are able to do great success."

If you would like great success in life, do not be afraid to fail. The biggest obstacle to success is the fear of failure. It weakens people from the inside out. By overcoming this fear, you will take the biggest step on the path to success. Sometimes you have to stumble on the path to great success. But you should not stop saying so. Failing once and stopping means failure. As long as you keep going without accepting failure - you will have a chance to win. We have to overcome the fear of stumbling and move forward. Then do not fail in life.

Never see failure as a punishment for mistakes. See it as a lesson in moving forward. After failing, move forward with new plans with double enthusiasm.

If you move at least one step forward, you will move forward a little bit on the path to success. Many of us do not have the courage to step up for fear of failure. So experts say, even if the possibility is not sure, you have to try a lot of time. Because, there are many things in life, the possibilities of which are not obvious before trying.

06. Seek results very soon:

Excessive haste to succeed drives people to accept failure too quickly. Many people expect great success in life. They set big goals for themselves. And any goal can be achieved if people are patient. But if you expect to achieve that goal very quickly, you can easily get frustrated. Because any big goal takes time to be fulfilled. Nothing happens ahead of time.

When someone goes to work hoping to get everything done very quickly and sees that everything is not going as fast as they expect - it is extremely detrimental to human motivation. Then he gave up in despair. Giving up is the biggest defeat. Goals cannot be achieved without patience. There is no substitute for the patient endeavor to achieve big goals.

07. Lack of confidence:

Honestly, self-confidence is more important for success than intelligence and talent. Someone might have the talent to write great stories. But that story is as good as anyone else's reading - he doesn't have that confidence. Then his story will not be published in life. As a writer, he will fail. Although his story writing talent is very first class.

In any case, self-confidence is one of the conditions for success. If a student does not believe that he is capable of doing well - how will he concentrate on his studies? It is impossible to handle failure without the conviction that you will be able to achieve the work you are sweating. The subconscious mind works a kind of faith, which provides vitality. And in the light of this feeling, everyone finds the way to success.

The effort comes from self-confidence. You have to believe in your own merits. People are not the best performers without practice. You may not be able to try today, but if you practice, you will be able to do better next week. But in order to do that practice, you have to have faith in your own ability. Those who do not believe in their own abilities do not even dare to try. As a result, at the end of the day, they fail.

Whatever you want to do, believe me - you can do it if you try. This belief will help you a lot to try and succeed.

08. Pride:

One of the truest truths that have ever been said in the world today is that "pride is the root cause of downfall."

Just as a lack of self-confidence prevents people from trying, so to overconfidence or arrogance prevents people from trying and learning.

Maybe one is very good at math. He can easily understand math. But if it is his only idea that he does not need to practice - he can do it, then he will gradually lose this quality. Because, no matter how talented you are - if you don't practice regularly, that talent will die.

Besides, no one likes arrogant people. No one wants to work with them and no one wants to give them a chance. There are many people who have been successful in the beginning because of talent, but they have not been able to maintain that success due to arrogance.

Pride does not allow a man to see his own faults. The ego blinds him, the bigger he gets, the bigger he starts to see himself. They do not take anyone's advice. He thinks he understands best. As powerful as they have fallen to this day, they have become so arrogant that they think they can do nothing wrong. That is what brought them down. Again, many ordinary people have this fault. One who does not admit his mistakes does not understand his shortcomings - it is impossible for him to improve. Such people will fail at the end of the day.

Not learning from past failures is also an expression of arrogance. They think they have done exactly what they did. They have failed because of the mistakes of other people. They make the same mistake again. Every failure and mistake makes different excuses - but does not admit any mistakes of its own. And can never get out of the cycle of failure.

9. Excuses:

There is always a reason behind failure. People try to explain that they have backed down for some reason, they couldn't do it, they couldn't do it. But in many cases these are excuses. If you want to get rid of failure, you have to control your life. You are also responsible for your own decisions. If you think like this, you will no longer be able to avoid the burden of failure with excuses and you will have more thirst for success in your mind.

If you want to reach the goal, obstacles will come in front of you, adversity will come. Some people consider these obstacles to be failures. But do not give up because of all this. Keep the morale intact to reach the goal. Success will be in your hands.

10 to criticize:

Criticism is a deadly bad habit. Blasphemy and backbiting are forbidden in every religion. Just as it is a waste of your precious time to constantly tell one's faults to others, there will come a time when you will lose interest in your own good deeds. You may even feel like someone else is criticizing your work. Discuss the many good aspects of every human being. This will create positive thinking in you too. And such good thinking consciousness will help you to overcome all failures and succeed.

11. Hesitation to say "no":

There are many people in the world who have failed many times in life because they say yes where there is no need to say yes. “No” may be a powerful word which will prevent tons of trouble. For example, your friend told you to smoke a cigarette. You couldn't say no. So you failed there. Many intelligent people use words like “I don’t think so, I can” or “I’m not sure” instead of “no”. If you think you can't do it before you make a promise, there's no need to say 'yes' unnecessarily. Learn to say “no” in some cases to be successful.

12. Waste time:

Some people think before they start working that they will succeed. What if not successful! It is a waste of time to think about these things. Many think again that since this work cannot be successful, time cannot be wasted. Such ideas will never let you succeed. So continue your work without waiting for success. Apply effort, labor, and talent appropriately. And never fail before failure comes.

13. Always seek legitimacy:

First of all, find out the reason why your mistake has been revealed. Avoid this bad habit today if you have a habit of making excuses for legitimacy to cover up failure. Otherwise, this one reason may be the biggest tool to lose your life battle. So very careful in this vehicle of the life cycle. Be careful. Check your habit well.

According to one study, the tendency to cover up one's mistakes with an atmosphere of legitimacy undermines your loyalty in the eyes of others. Similarly, the beauty of personality can be stained with ink in an instant. Besides, you are floating in the happy memory of spreading unreasonable pride in your own mind which will really take you to the bottom.

14. Not paying attention to health care:

Your well-being is the key to your success. Devoted successful people never make the mistake of looking at their own being. Defeated and burnt forehead people work hard. However, they were given a large amount of compensation for not paying attention to health.


Failure will come in human life. But only those who work beyond that failure succeed at the end of the day. No one can succeed without a taste of failure. The real way to succeed is to use failures positively and move forward intelligently.

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