Success: How it comes and how to bring it under your control?
Success is a word desired by all. But what does success mean? Is success the achievement of money, power, prestige, honor, acquaintance or desired degree, etc.? Or does it mean something else? If a rich and powerful person is unhappy or dissatisfied with himself at the end of the day, can he be called very successful? In fact, the word success is very personal in its own way and varies from person to person. However, it can be said that the development of the potential that every human being is born with endless possibilities, its application in life and satisfaction is the measure of the life of a successful person.
That is, success means the realization of a person's dreams and aspirations. Successful people are in control of almost every single moment of their professional life, relationships, and livelihoods and their work play a positive role in society or in the lives of others.
Success! Every good or bad deed has success. The success of good deeds is always high, people respect. But to succeed in bad deeds one has to be disrespectful in society.
We all want success! However, if you get any success in your own efforts, you will get more emotional satisfaction.
If we stay in the house for success, then success will not come. We have to work day and night for success.
If we have this kind of thinking, "We are sitting at home, God will give us such success", then we will never be able to do anything.
We read in childhood (hard work is the key to good luck) so we must work hard to get success.
As you can imagine: I thought I was writing a PHP program now, then when I went to start PHP I knew I had to learn HTML & CSS before I could learn PHP. Now I started learning HTML. Notice one thing here: “I didn't think of learning PHP when I thought of learning HTML. But the moment I started learning PHP, I learned HTML for the benefit of PHP. " This is how we learn one thing for the sake of another.
So if you work on anything for a few months, a few years, success will inevitably come! Because those who have had success so far are people like me and you!
Find out who has been successful, they have all tried day after day! And there is a saying that success does not match without suffering.
So keep one thing in mind, “You will get exactly as much as you do! Never expect anything more! Because expect more when you see that you have done more. "
"Now let's move on to history"
Among those who have succeeded in history are Facebook's father Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft's CEO, and the world's richest man Bill Gates, APPLE's former CEO Steve Jobs, Ali Baba's founder Jack M. Moreover many more people have succeeded in crossing all the terrible obstacles! You don't have to read more people's biographies! Just read the biographies of these few people, you will understand how difficult success is.
Remember, "Once you fail at something, you don't have to break down, you have to try again. Always practice a positive mindset and maintain the company of positive people. You have to finish work on time. Hard work, wise counselor, strong self-confidence is the key to success." If you follow these things with perseverance and concentration, you can surely reach the golden peak of success. "
Remember some of those rules
1. Dream:
The scientist Einstein said, ‘Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.’ So turn your goal into a dream. In other words, if you clearly see the picture of what you want to be, then it is easy to implement. All your attention will be on the picture. Whenever you have time, think about your dreams. Make the dream very clear in the courtyard of the mind. So that as you walk along the path of dreams, you see yourself as successful in reality. No matter how many obstacles come, you will reach that palace of the dream world.
2. Specific goals:
Most of us don't know what we want. Again, in many cases, we cannot be satisfied with any desire. The goal of any work should be the object of your most desirable or deep interest. This goal will help you reach the ladder of success. To establish your goal in mind.
3. Merit Verification:
Suppose you have reached the goal. Assume you succeed. What should be done next? Will you sit Then you are wrong. Because there is no end to success. After crossing one ladder of success you will step on another ladder. Because there is no shortage of your talent. There is no end to the human ability to achieve goals. So check your talent.
4. Definite plan:
To achieve success, we need a well-thought-out and precise plan. Which we can also call design or map. You cannot succeed without it. Keep in mind the distance between your current position and the position of your desired goal. There may be some obstacles in between. Identify the obstacles. Find ways to overcome obstacles. Suppose you want to be an engineer. Your plan should be around the engineer. In this case, it is necessary to prepare accordingly. Exactly how long it will take to become an engineer is a big issue. Suppose it takes you five years to become an engineer, use the whole time properly. In this case, you can divide the time and proceed accordingly.
5. Confidence:
If there is an obstacle to success, it is a lack of confidence. If anyone thinks, 'I can't'! Surely he failed. Because he doesn't try or loses confidence before he tries. The level of trust has to be very strong. If the faith is intact, victory is guaranteed no matter how difficult the goal. Never lose faith. Then confidence will be shaken. As a result, enthusiasm will decrease. So, hold on to faith. Establish yourself, 'I can do it.'
6. Positive Attitude:
You must have a positive attitude towards your goals. This attitude will lead you to success. Those who do not pay attention to any work or have a negative attitude, do not see the face of success. A positive attitude is one of hope, creativity, and unlimited possibilities. Those who think negatively should change their attitude. Think of a task as positive. Do it on your own, if you can't be positive quickly, then slowly acquire a positive attitude.
7. Active activity:
Skills are one of the key drivers of success today. There is a slight difference between efficiency and activity. Activity is doing the job right, and skill is doing the job skillfully. All in all, you need both to be successful. In other words, to be successful, you have to work according to the plan.
8. Proper use of time:
In many cases, we leave today's work for tomorrow. But time is no longer fixed. Depreciation of time leads to frustration in life. And creates reluctance about life. Remember, success requires the proper use of time. Because, to be successful, you have to learn a lot. Divide the time to get all the work done properly. Remember, Time and tide wait for none.
9. Communication with people:
Communication is very important at the present time. And for the sake of science, there is not much of a problem in communicating with people. So relationships with people are a big issue. People cannot live alone. Human survival, human movement, action, success — in all cases it is seen that one or the other person is influencing at least a little bit. So need relationships. In many cases, your communication skills will be enhanced by engaging in positive conversations with others, using simple language in conversation, acknowledging or appreciating the good work of others, and evaluating people properly.
10. Patience and peace of mind:
If you want to be successful, you must be patient and have peace of mind at work. Patience will give you interest in new work and if you maintain peace, you will not find the work boring. In many cases, failure can come, do not give up. Keep trying with patience. Get down to work with morale. If we think of the great sages, think of Newton, whose research papers were reduced to ashes. Newton did not give up. Edison was able to invent the electric bulb after numerous attempts. It has been possible because of patience. Peace of mind is not just about success; Rather it is necessary in all cases. This peace is needed to reveal the latent power of the human mind. All in all, this is one of the prerequisites for success. So keep your mind calm. Meditation is one of the best ways to achieve peace of mind. So meditate, you will see, you can give at least some peace of mind.
In conclusion, build yourself up as a successful person by establishing your specific goal, your dream through self-confidence, evaluating your talent through proper use of time with a definite plan, activity, and skills. Be patient at work, keep peace of mind, success is guaranteed. Your positive attitude and good relationship with people will take you to the golden peak of success. However, it is important to remember that success does not end with success, because success does not end. So you have to hold on to success firmly. Always believe in yourself, you will see that you will easily reach the door of success.
Remember, success is not the key to happiness, but happiness is one of the keys to success. So stick to the job you love. Success will come along the path of your love.
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