18 symptoms of Coronavirus


Coronavirus outbreaks continue around the world. This epidemic has made the whole world think today. World leadership is perplexed today. The world economy is under threat today. Life is constantly being blown away from the world. COVID-19 showed once again with his fingers in his eyes how helpless we are. So be aware of the trivial symptoms of this deadly virus, which can occur when infected with the coronavirus. If the symptom that is neglected is really due to a corona infection, it will be too late to test for Covid-19. This can lead to failure to get treatment at the right time if any complication is created in the body.

There is no guarantee that complications will not get bigger if the symptoms are small. Many have died suddenly from corona infection. Although they have symptoms, they have neglected it thinking it is not Kovid-19. Once upon a time, they fell into the lap of death due to serious complications. So be careful about all the symptoms of corona infection.

01.Acute fever: 

Corona is much more dangerous than a common fever or cold cough. Most people infected with the virus develop a high fever. Sometimes fever is accompanied by a dry cough and some other symptoms.

02. Dry cough: 

A dry cough is one of the main symptoms of corona infection. However, this type of cough can be due to other reasons. If your cough lasts for more than a day, talk to your doctor to make sure it is not a corona symptom.

03. Sore throat: 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently added a sore throat to its list of coronavirus symptoms. However, it is considered a rare symptom. Michael Larner, a laryngologist at Yale Medicine, told Health.com, "We currently estimate that coronavirus causes sore throats in 10 percent of cases."

04. Loss of taste or sense of smell: 

One of the symptoms of corona can be tastelessness or odorless ness. It may be that you have no other symptoms of the corona, but you have one or both of these. So if you feel tasteless or odorless, you can test the corona.

05. Headache or delirium: 

According to health experts, many Kovid-19 patients admitted to the hospital have been shown to have coronary neurological symptoms such as headache, confusion, delirium, and even stroke.

06. Stomach upset: 

Mild corona may be a symptom of an upset stomach or diarrhea. Studies have shown that it is a symptom of the early stages of the corona. So if you have diarrhea or nausea, you can test for corona.

07. Testicular pain: 

One of the lesser-known symptoms of the corona is a pain in the testicles. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have published a similar case study in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. A 42-year-old man was hospitalized with severe testicular pain. Doctors did not find any problem in her testicles and a CT scan showed lung damage. Two days later, the man was diagnosed with Covid-19 disease.

08. Loss of appetite: 

Many Kovid-19 patients have reported the loss of appetite as a symptom of the corona. Decreased appetite or not wanting to eat at all can be one of the symptoms of the corona.

09. Burns on the body: 

Many patients with Covid-19 disease have reported burns on the body.

10. Foot sores: 

Corona can cause small sores and rashes on the toes. These symptoms usually occur in young people and last for several days.

11. Stomach pain: 

Like anorexia, many people may think that stomach pain is a common problem. However, a new study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found a link between COVID-19 disease and stomach problems.

12. Shortness of breath: 

If you feel chest tightness or have trouble breathing, you may think you are infected with the coronavirus. However, young people or those who do not already have health problems are less likely to suffer from these symptoms.

13. Eye irritation: 

Itching, burning, or redness of the eyes can also be a symptom of the corona, the researchers said.

14. Feeling cold: 

Feeling very cold can also be a sign of corona. However, this symptom is rare, it is not seen in a large number of patients.

15. Muscle or body pain: 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently added muscle or body pain to its list of corona symptoms.

16. Persistent hiccups: 

Doctors warn that persistent hiccups could be a possible new symptom of coronavirus. One such case study was published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. It is said that a man was diagnosed with Covid-19 disease in the Corona test after suffering from hiccups for 4 days. The man had no symptoms other than hiccups, and his body temperature was only 37.3 degrees Celsius.

17. Hearing loss: 

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine say the virus not only infects the nose and throat but can also affect the mastoid bones of the ears and brain. According to researchers, hearing loss, ear pain or other ear problems can be symptoms of coronavirus infection.

18. Fatigue: 

One of the main symptoms of the corona is fatigue. According to experts, the feeling of fatigue at this time of the epidemic can not be ignored at all.

In conclusion, world leaders should take the right steps to control this epidemic in order to survive in this beautiful world and give the gift of livable earth to future generations. Only then can we dream of a beautiful and livable world.

References: Mirror

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