Ways to motivate yourself

What is motivation? - This question often comes to our mind. Everyone has an idea about motivation. But many do not have a clear idea of what motivation is.

What is motivation?

Marie Johansen, a professor of leadership and digital marketing at Harvard University, defines motivation as "the motivation that motivates people to work to achieve something."

To give a very simple example, we get food because we are hungry. We have to work to get food. That is, hunger is one of the main motivations behind getting food.

Suppose again that the smell of biryani as we walk past the restaurant actually makes us want to eat it. Many people enter the restaurant knowing that the food is ready at home, or go to the market instead of returning home to buy biryani equipment.

The smell of such food has served as a motivation here.

In other words, motivation is that the reason behind doing something.

The student who is studying very carefully might want to be an engineer or a senior officer. it's going to be that he wants to find out to read well in order that he can apply them in life.

Motivation can be of different types. People don't hesitate to offer their lives in war, because maybe she wants to go away to a more beautiful country or environment for her child, for future generations. Maybe she imagines her child’s face before jumping into battle.

Then maybe another warrior to fight to avenge the loss of a beloved. Another may think that if he wins the war, he will get richer. For him, it is a matter of greed.

An employee works all day in the office to make a living on a month-end salary. Maybe his neighbors are working to find out the work better and move to a far better position. - It's all inspiration.

Motivation is a factor that motivates people to do something or to want to do something.

Some effective ways to motivate yourself:

We have been hearing the proverb "If there's a will, there's a way" since childhood. The foremost important thing to motivate yourself is that the intense desire to realize something.

But not just if you have the desire, you can become your own motivational speaker if you follow three more things to implement that desire; Confidence, attention, and sound direction. Today we will look at the details of how to comply with these three issues.

1. Conquer fear

Our biggest problem is that we care more about "what we don't want" than "what we want". Suppose you want to give someone a gift. Unbeknownst to you, what if he doesn't like it?

But, you never think that he should like it. This negative fear must be overcome. If you are in the midst of such fear, you will not get any benefit, but this fear will gradually plunge you into despair and overwhelm you. So shake off the fear and awaken self-confidence.

2. Set goals and try to achieve them

Get rid of negative fears and get in the habit of looking at things in a positive light. Instead of thinking, "I don't want to do badly in exams," just say, "I want to do well in exams." Now it's your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

3. Focus on one thing at a time

If you decide to do a lot of things at once, no work will be done right. So prioritize one task at a time and keep all your attention on it.

Once you have finished one task, start the next task. If necessary, divide a task into smaller parts. When one part is finished, start the next part.

4. Make all work joyful

Think about yourself, leave out the work that is making you tired day after day. If you can't skip, change the way you work. As I said at the beginning, if there is a will, there is a way.

You want to stay fit but don't want to go to the gym at all? Do aerobics! Everything has an option.

5. Study

If you want to be a great writer, read biographies of famous writers. Learn about how they grew up, what obstacles they faced to become writers. Compare yourself with their biography to see where you are now.

6. Arrange to reward yourself

Fate does not always reward you. So instead of leaving everything to fate, make arrangements to reward yourself when small goals are achieved. For example, suppose you finished a chapter for yesterday's test. Make a cup of coffee and drink it.

7. Look at the filled part, not the empty part of the glass

Do not be discouraged by what you do not get in life. Rather be grateful for what you got. Whenever you think that, Ish! If I had it! Then you will think that I do not have it, but there is another!

If necessary, make a list of what you have achieved in life, what you have achieved. Even then, whenever you feel emptiness, read that list.

8. Learn where to start

Decide first what you want to do. Then decide where to start. Suppose, you want to get a part-time job for a living, then start looking for a job based on your qualifications and interests.

9. Always stay positive

Sad but true is the fact that the number of pessimistic people in the world is disappointingly much higher than the number of optimistic people. If you declare in front of ten people today that you will always be happy from today, at least two people will explain to you why you cannot be happy.

It is better to remain far away from such people. However, sometimes these types of people come in handy to force you to do something good again.

10. Let the beginning be small

I would be a millionaire - don't set such a goal at the beginning but think of small things at the beginning. For example, I will earn at least five hundred dollars this month. Then the pressure on you will be less and you will be satisfied easily.

Just start the day with small tasks and slowly start with big tasks. This will warm up. It is not a good decision to start the day without much need.

11. Imagine

From the very beginning of the movie "Little Miss Sunshine," it is seen that Olive started imagining herself from the Miss America contest footage. In this way, if you imagine your goal in leisure, what will be the situation once you achieve the goal, then you will see how much the desire to work for the goal has increased.

 12. Stay excited about everything

Whatever happens to you, stay excited about it. And since you can't get excited about regular things, try something new from time to time. If you can do regular work, try to do it differently.

13. Sharing is Caring!

We know that good news can make you happy. Similarly, sharing the sad news reduces the sadness. So whatever the news, let people know without keeping it to yourself.

14. Let the small things be small

Don't worry about small things over and over again. There is no need to magnify small things.

Self-help is the best kind of help. Whether you are motivated or not is up to you. If you don't have your own will, listening to thousands of motivational speeches will not be of many benefits.

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