10 details that make your child feel loved

Does your child feel loved? Have you asked him if he is happy? No matter how old he is, your work as a mother never ends. And since you always want your little one to be well, Ser Padres mentions 1o details that will make your child feel that he is important to you.

1.Forget your cell phone, tablet, and computer

When you get home after a hard day at work, turn off your mobile or any other electronic device that prevents you from having fun with your him. Children need their parents to listen and pamper them every day. You know very well that a telephone is a tool that makes life easier but also distances you from the people you love.

2. Avoid distractions when sitting at the table

How delicious, it's time to eat! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are times when the family gets together. Do not turn on the television, do not play with the tablet, much less go to check your Facebook, enjoy talking and laughing with your child and partner. Talk to them about different topics and apply loving discipline if necessary. Don't waste your time on superficial things!

3. Read him a story before bed

Your motherly love for him will make you read not one but two or three bedtime stories. This habit creates a very strong bond between mother and child, in addition to helping your little one's brain develop by stimulating his imagination.

4. Hug it

Research reveals that children learn to be loving when they receive affection from their parents. This way your child will feel loved and it is also a way to prevent problems due to bad behavior.

5. Positive discipline

How firm you are has nothing to do with hitting or yelling. Calmly and clearly explain the consequences of breaking the rules. Do it in a positive way and without the need for an advanced scolding. Remember that your child will learn to do it to resolve his disagreements and conflicts if you use violence.

6. Look him in the eye

Eye contact is the best tool for communicating with your child. You also teach him that it is a powerful social skill. When you need to correct him, look him in the eye and explain that his action was not right and that it will have consequences. 

7. The best example is yourself

Don't forget to lead by example because children imitate their parents. Show yourself loving, kind, respectful, attentive, humble, and honest with others, this way you will teach them to behave as they should.

8. Teach him to be independent

In other words, to make decisions. If your child notices that you trust him, he will have good self-esteem. For starters, he lets her choose from time to time the clothes that he will wear to go out with grandparents, to the park, to the beach, or to the mall.

9. Encourage him

When you see that he is sad or discouraged, first ask what is happening and then tell him that everything will be fine, that you will always be by his side to support him. Sometimes what for you is not a problem for him is. Be patient.

10. Listen to it

Children's opinion also counts. So let him speak and you just listen. If you're busy, stop what you're doing and give it 15 minutes. This is a way to show your little one that nothing is more important than him.

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