Know the 13 keys to be happy

13 keys to being happy

Happiness is a state that occurs when affable feelings overwhelm us, but happiness can not be measured only by a moment or a fact. Still, it is more appropriate to determine it by how we are in all the different areas of our life and thus make a balance that we are fine. Happiness isn't a commodity that we can always feel, that's insolvable, but we can dispose ourselves more constantly or not to well-being and happiness. 

Therefore, to feel better and consider that we are well and happy, we leave you with some tips and keys to be happier.

Tips and Keys to Be Happy: 

1. Accept that you may feel bad. Paradoxically, we propose something that may be contrary to happiness, because we begin by emphasizing that if we want to be happy, we cannot deny that we will often feel sad, frustrated, angry, guilty, etc. These emotions, like all, are very important and fulfill essential functions, even if they make us feel displeasure. It is wrong to call these negative emotions and those that produce pleasure positive emotions, I would redefine them as the group of emotions that produce pleasure and the group that produces displeasure

To emphasize the importance of feeling, accepting, and elaborating on negative emotions, I am going to mention the film Inside Out -reversely-, this film describes how emotions manage the ways of thinking and acting if you have seen this Pixar film, you will remember that the joy that governed and directed the girl's mind, she tirelessly sought to avoid grief, but in the end, she realized that sadness is a very important emotion, that it must be felt in situations that cause us grief and that it cannot always be felt happiness

Therefore, it would indicate that both the emotions that produce displeasure and those that produce pleasure are necessary to live and the important thing is that they appear in the right situations and the right dose. In other words, feeling afraid before, for example, an exam is important since it helps us prepare, but if the fear is very high and paralyzes us, it is no longer useful. However, we also emphasize that positive emotions can also be harmful if they occur in inappropriate situations. For example, we can see a person with gambling addiction problems, who often feels well-being, pleasure, and joy when playing, those emotions, which in this case are dysfunctional, lead them to play everything they want. have and lose It can be thought that the person who laughs at that moment is happy, but no, since, as we said, happiness is not measured by emotion or for an instant, if we look more closely at his life, we see that the person whom he laughs at the moment he inserts coins into a gaming machine, he is playing the rent money, that he is about to lose his family, that he has a lot of debts, can we still say that he is happy? Or rather we can say that we see a person who thinks he feels good playing, but when he finishes, reality will sink him again. Precisely in this case, it is the negative emotions that can make her change and move forward, guilt, sadness and the fear of losing her family can make her think that she needs help and thus change.

We describe these examples to make it clear that we can feel bad about something, but that does not mean that our life is unhappy, we have to accept negative emotions as useful and necessary to be well and feel happiness.

Also to assess if we are well and happy together with this advice, we leave another key to being happy:

2. Value ourselves from all aspects of our lives, accepting that we can be fine and feel happy even if everything is not going well. It is impossible to wait to feel happy that everything is perfect, in all spheres –family, social relationships, personal life, work-. If we wait for this, we will never feel happy, because something will always be missing or fail. Now is the time to add the third piece of advice or key to being happy:

3. Accept that we can fail and fail, as we indicated, perfection is impossible, and wanting to achieve it will make us unhappy because things can go wrong. The problem in life isn't that we fall, but that we do not get up and discipline ourselves for having failed. Successful people are those who have risen from previous failures and persisted until they achieved what they wanted. For this reason, he accepts that things can go wrong and that the important thing is that we try to straighten or change what is going wrong.

So far, the tips or keys to being happy or happier are, paradoxically, accepting negative emotions, accepting that not everything will go well, and accepting that we can be wrong. With this, one might think that this seems like advice to become bitter. But no, quite the opposite, we guarantee that if we put all the effort into denying this reality, it will be tough to feel good, to seek to be perfect, that everything goes perfectly, and to be happy all the time, it will produce the opposite. We will be better if we accept life as it is, not to settle, but to be realistic and see what we can improve and move forward. We will also be better off if we accept negative emotions as necessary, as well as positive ones. We will also be better off if we allow ourselves to forgive our failures and try again.

But hey, these are not the only tips or keys we give to be happy, we also include others.

More tips and keys to be happy

4. Be grateful for what you have, -it is another piece of advice or key to being happy- this is very important, even if you want more be grateful for what you have achieved, and be satisfied with the steps you take because otherwise, we can fall into the misfortune of believing that the Happiness will be in achieving what I lack and we are not able to enjoy what we have until we achieve what we want. For example, you can wish for a bigger house, a better car, another trip, etc., and that's fine, but while you get it, enjoy the car you have and the house you have. Also enjoy the process of achieving what you want, as Galeano said, happiness is not in the goal, it is on the way. Therefore, another piece of advice is:

5. Live in the present, think about the future, and evaluate the past, but with your feet in the here and now, be aware of feeling the moment you are in. To be able to do this, also 

6. Simplify and focus on one thing at a time, as the saying goes, the one that covers a lot, doesn't squeeze much. Trying to do everything at once can only lead us to do them poorly or halfway.

7. Dedicate time to the beings you love, Several studies indicate that relationships with others are important to live a fuller life. For this reason, dedicate time to them, enjoy the moment you spend with them and you will see how it will positively affect your state of mind.

About the above, another tip or key to being happy is:

8. Surround yourself with positive people or otherwise stay away from toxic people. The mood of the people around us often contaminates us. Being with positive and happy people is good for us. 
9. Have an attitude of permanent learning. Be apprehensive that there's always a commodity to learn. Feeding our brain generates pleasure and well-being. This is a brief but key tip to be happy.

10. Take time to do those things you like. Listen to the music you love -this is also important since several studies indicate that listening to music provides multiple psychological benefits, such as managing and modifying emotional states-, spend time doing sports that give you pleasure -it is also important to indicate that exercising produces endorphins and that sport also regulates emotions- go for a walk if you love it, etc. In short, this piece of advice or the key to being happy is: to take time for yourself.

11. Do not worry so much about what others think of you, this does not mean that you ignore others, but that you are not trying to do or not do things because of what others think. It is more important what you think of yourself and whether you are leading a life that you can be proud and satisfied with. Receive advice from others but take it as it is advice, you decide what you do.

12. If the past weighs on you, work it out and reconcile with it, it is another tip or key to being happy. Many times we carry things from the past like a heavy backpack. Therefore, work on it, if you can't do it alone, go to therapy, which will help you work through the traumas and discomforts that don't let you enjoy the present and build the future. Having a past overcome, lightens the way for us and makes us feel better.

13. The last piece of advice or key that we leave you to be happy is to read a few brief paragraphs by Galeano, who brilliantly describes how to find happiness,

Of course, you will find more keys and tips to be happy, but we believe that these are very important to be able to feel good and happy with our lives with who we are and what we have achieved. We also leave you tips to make your children happy and with self-esteem

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