Personal development: 5 fundamental keys

On some occasions you will have heard someone say that he is undergoing a personal development process but... what is personal development? how can I develop myself? what do I need for it? These questions and others are collected in this article in which we show you 5 keys to personal development.

In this article, we talk about:

  • What is personal development
  • Benefits of personal development
  • Difficulties in personal development
  • Identify what is holding you back
  • How to work on personal development
  • Dare to leave your comfort zone
  • Take care of yourself "We take responsibility
  • Clear goals
  • Emotional management

What is personal development

Personal development is the process through which you allow yourself to grow as a person. It is based on the acquisition of different skills to improve your quality of life.

This process of personal development is not easy nor is it achieved from one day to the next, through self-love and dedication it will be possible to achieve it.

Benefits of personal development

Personal development is progressive. To understand it better, we can say that it is the path that takes you where you want to be, being aware of where you are starting from.

There are different benefits that you can obtain by working on your personal development:
  • Get to know yourself more and better
  • Greater ability to adapt to changes
  • Improvement in your quality of life
  • Acquisition of social skills
  • Live to be more aware

Difficulties in personal development

If you stop to think, maybe the conclusion you come to is that you don't need more than what you have. This is great. But... what if you still feel discomfort in your day to day?

There may be different obstacles that do not matter, but when we analyze them they are preventing us from working on personal development.

Identify what is holding you back

It is important to identify what things impede your personal development:
  • Habits. If you want to make changes in your life, you probably have to make changes to some of your habits. Observe what current habits are not working to develop the person you want to be. If we want to be a better version, improvement begins on a day-to-day basis.
  • Limiting thoughts. These types of thoughts can affect and condition many areas of life. These thoughts are distorted by what you remember: you are not your limiting thoughts. You can learn to change them and reduce the effect they are having on you.

How to work on personal development

When you decide to bet on yourself and your personal development, you are investing in the most important person in your life. Below you will find 5 keys to personal development.

Dare to leave your comfort zone

The comfort zone is not a place as such, it has to do with the feeling of security and control over your environment. How many times have you thought about doing something different but fear paralyzes you because you don't know if you can control it?

Taking the step to get out of this zone may imply fear, but even so, it will be worth accepting that this emotion only comes with you and that accepting it provides the push that you may need.

On the other side, personal development awaits you. If you decide to do it, you may make some mistakes along the way (as humans we are) but those mistakes are also part of your development.

Thinking about wanting to make changes without taking action can even lead to frustration. Trust more in you. As Albert Einstein said: "If you are looking for different results, do not always do the same"

Take care of yourself

Self-care is an essential tool for personal development. What you are going to do is for and for you.

"I don't have time for myself" and "I always put the well-being of my environment first" These types of thoughts limit your growth.

When you change habits and become your priority, you begin a change on the inside that little by little will be reflected on your exterior.

Self-care has to do with taking care of your body and your mind.

Take responsibility

Unintentionally sometimes we tend to throw balls out about something that has happened or even when it has to do with something we are feeling.

Responsibility has to do with taking charge of what happens both within you and around you and if you don't like it... giving yourself the opportunity to change it.

We are responsible for how we think so the work here has to do with learning to think differently so that you can feel different things and go a step further for your personal freedom.

Clear goals

How do you want your personal development to be? How would you like to develop?

Not all people have the same sense of life. Perhaps for some, personal development has more to do with the area of work, family, or personal or spiritual.

It is important to determine where you want to go with your development process. For this, it is important to establish clear and modifiable goals throughout the experience with small achievable objectives in your day-to-day.

Emotional management

An emotion is an automatic and universal response of the body that provides us with information about how we feel about what is happening around us and within us.

What happens when there is no good emotional management? We can feel a lot of discomfort.

Allow yourself to feel and accept that the emotion is coming to tell you something. Stop to listen and observe her without judgment. It will be the way to learn to manage it and that will help you in your growth.

If you have come this far, thank you for thinking of yourself, I hope these keys help you to be your best version. 

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