Child rearing: some advice

Today's children are the future of tomorrow. That is why the poet says- ‘The father of the sleeping child is in the heart of all children’. Childhood and adolescence is the time when a child develops into a human being. The child is the best asset of man, a priceless treasure, and a deposit with the father. No religion likes disregard, neglect, and carelessness towards him. Because children are the citizens of the future and the embodiment of the future civilization of human society. They are the servants of the beloved God in the days to come and the peaceful and prosperous people of this world.

The soft muddy soil-like environment in which children grow up in childhood has a lasting effect on their lives. That is why the family is the child's first school. At this time the parents will nurture them with their own personality and through religious instruction.

Human education and training is an important issue. In this case, the view of religions is to make the child a perfect human being through the proper development of personality. That is why religions have given proper guidance on the training of newborns in the post-natal period. The human lifespan can be divided into five stages. Such as childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, and old age. Here we will discuss the first three stages. The early stages of a human baby's growth are generally divided into three important stages.

  • Children are independent in the first seven years.
  • The second seven years are obedient.
  • The third seven years are responsible.

The stages of a child's upbringing up to the age of twenty-one can be cast into the circles of childhood, adolescence, and youth. If we take childhood in the sense of authority, then it means that the child will do whatever he wants at that time. These seven-year-old children are completely independent. All his authority must be accepted. In this way, the child will reach the second stage after seven years, that is, the stage of obeying orders. In this phase, the child will no longer be allowed to dominate independently. Instead, he must obey his parents or other elders. From this time until the age of fourteen, if a child grows up following proper instructions, then by the third stage, that is, till the age of twenty-one, the child can become a proper partner of the parents in running the household. In these three episodes, the training of children and the duties of parents are more clearly revealed. Allowing children to play for seven years, giving them corrective education and training for the next seven years, and making them mentors and companions for the next seven years. In the first seven years of life, a child's perception and memory are absolutely immature. His physical condition is also in a very delicate stage. So at this time, parents should treat their child kindly and sympathetically. To meet his needs as much as possible and to answer his questions positively.

The early years of life are important and influential for any human being. Because this is the time for the development of human personality. In the past, it was thought that a child's physical well-being in childhood should be focused on. Other than that, no importance was given to nurturing the child's emotions, socialization, and his talents. But if the child does not suffer from food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care, then his physical, mental, and intellectual development will benefit faster than others. All stages of a child's development are not just physical development; Rather, it is essential to keep a close eye on his emotions, perceptions, his imagination, and his ability to speak.

As children grow older, they often experience some inconsistencies in their physical and behavioral behaviors. Most of this happens due to a lack of proper understanding of the stages of growth of the child and failure to take proper steps and steps in stages. At a young age, some people engage in anti-social and immoral activities, including terrorism and robbery. Studies have shown that lack of proper care in the early stages of life is the main reason for such activities.

With the first caress of the good morning on the cheek of a child like the soft light of dawn, who doesn't like to see the indescribable smile like a developing flower? But parents have a lot to do to spread this pure smile of the child till he reaches adulthood. Especially the first seven years of his life were spent developing his mind. Its age like fresh fragrant new leaves. She is as delicate and transparent as the young leaf. In other words, the first part of life is like raw clay. With this soil, skilled artists like parents can do whatever they want.

The life of a child is divided into three ‘seven years’. Since the first seven years after the birth of the child, his intellect does not develop adequately. Therefore, at this age, one should not analyze the talents of a child but should pay attention to the feelings and reactions of his five senses. At this time the children became very active in sensory work. He likes to run, he likes sports, he likes to ask questions when he is curious about something. Above all, he likes to accumulate new things in his store of experience. And that is why he wants to capture everything he sees around him and wants to understand, learn, experience with his own feelings. The freedom of the child means the freedom of his feelings, the freedom of his muscles. The arbitrary use of these two forms the basis for the child's movement, his creativity, and the development of his senses. So for the first seven years of a child's life, parents should not do anything with him that would interfere with his independence and eventually block his ability to develop his senses and creativity. Keep in mind that if the child's mental and creative development is hindered, then the child's psychosis can occur. And once that happens, his future will be unpredictable. So parents need to be aware. When a child is having fun or playing with his peers and playmates, he should not be ordered to do anything. It should not be said that don't do this, don't do that and so on. It is not right to rush him back from the world of his happiness.

If a child gets a free environment for his growth and a suitable environment and guideline for proper energy gain, then his mental, physical, and behavioral development will be achieved scientifically. It is advisable for parents to pay attention to these issues. The child should be treated sensitively by the parents. That is, the child's comfort and freedom should be felt. He should be put to sleep with the utmost care, waking up, feeding, cleaning his dirty clothes, etc. should be done with sincerity. Even if the baby cries, it is not right to be angry with him; Instead, we should try our best to stop crying. If parents treat their children appropriately in the early stages of their development, then their behavior and reactions will have a positive effect on their future personality development, mood formation, and personality. And if not used properly, it will have a negative effect on the child's future life.

A child thinks at the age of seven that he will get whatever he wants from his parents. That is why at this time the child's faith in the parents is immense. She considers her parents as her friends, allies, and her only refuge. He thinks they are safe and that is why he loves them so much. When a child grows up, he does not forget the love of his parents. She appreciates how much her parents loved and cared for her, and she feels indebted to their love. When he grows up, this child listens to his parents very carefully. He benefits from their guidance. In any complex and adverse situation, he considers his parents as his personal patron. Discuss and consult with them about problems. He sincerely accepts all the arguments and suggestions of the parents. Obey them properly and obey their instructions at all times. The behavioral defects of the parents in the first stage of childhood are responsible for most of the problems of youth society. The child also becomes distrustful of the parents because the parents do not pay any attention to the spiritual and psychological needs of the child. And if the child becomes distrustful of his parents, then he becomes distant from his parents. This distance leads the child astray. So the child must be loved. Must be sincere in meeting his spiritual and psychological needs. We have to ensure a proper environment for his growth. Above all, the future of the child depends on the parents.

In fact, the problems of children are caused by the parents. Parents can follow these steps to avoid problems with their child:
  • Set a time for the child. His problem, his question, the proper answer to his curiosity.
  • Ensuring the right environment for her to grow up and trying to meet the needs of the child.
  • Refrain from taking care of the baby. Doing so will hinder the development of the child's latent talents.
  • Things that are harmful and frightening to the baby should not be kept within his reach. Otherwise, if the child spoils something important with those things, there is no way to show anger on the child.
  • Parents should keep their essentials in the right place at home. Knives or such sharp objects, toxic medicines, pesticides, glassware, expensive utensils, emergency papers, etc. should be kept out of the reach of the child.
  • If there is a school going child in the family, his / her books and other educational materials should be kept in such a way that the child cannot catch and waste them. If the mother has a habit of sewing, it should be done while the baby is asleep, or in a place where the baby is not likely to be present. Needle-thread-blades etc. should be kept at a safe distance.
  • Never shout when a child is holding a blade or a knife in their hand, despite many precautions. Instead, bring something in front of him so that the child's attention is directed. Then, as soon as the opportunity arises, the terrible object must be removed from his hand. It should be taken in such a way that the child does not feel at all.
The reason parents are so careful is that this time is the time of complete freedom of the child. He will do whatever he wants. He cannot be ordered, nor can he be forbidden. In the interest of developing the child's talent, the parents will give such a discount with love and caress - this is the expectation.

‘The child who has come to the light of the world today,‘ We want a garden arranged for him ’or‘ I will make this world habitable for the child ’- the poet's longing, his promise, his sincere love for the child and his attempt to ensure a beautiful future. The problem is that everyone has a dream to build a child's future, but not many people know exactly how to build it. So here we will discuss the second phase of a child's life, i.e. his behavioral characteristics at the age of seven to fourteen years.

The second phase of a child's life is from the age of seven to fourteen. This episode is about the child's obedience. At this time the physical and mental changes of the child go to the transgressive stage. His body is a little stronger than before, his memory develops, his knowledge and perception also increase. The child can understand good and evil to a certain extent. For this reason, the child asks the educators various questions to satisfy his curiosity. However, since his intellect has not fully developed, he cannot properly understand what is good and bad for him. Parents or guardians should explain and teach him at this time because he does not understand. It is the duty of the guardian at this moment to guide him on what he should and should not do. It is normal for the child to listen and obey the parents at this time. Parents will teach the child manners and etiquette at this time. These seven years are the right age to impart knowledge and training to a child. From the beginning of this episode, the child's formal education will begin. When a child starts going to school, he will have to give up some limited responsibilities, including lesson practice. If the child is able to spend the first part of his life in the right environment, then the stage of obedience will create a kind of mental balance in him. So he will take the responsibility entrusted to him with utmost sincerity and joy. The child will obey his parents or guardians to gain more experience. They will listen to what they say. Obey what you command. When a child enters his second seven years, he may realize that he lags far behind his parents in knowledge and ability. That is, he does not know what his parents know. That's when various questions arise in his mind. But since the child cannot solve those questions with his little knowledge, he needs someone who will answer his questions. The child wants the respondent to pay full attention to his curiosity so that he can ask and answer questions without hesitation. At the age of seven to fourteen, a child's intellect, knowledge, and intelligence increase a little. As a result, his needs and expectations are a bit better than before. He is no longer as childish as before. So at this time, the child can be given education and training. He can no longer be given complete freedom. Instead, he should schedule all his activities so that he can learn discipline.

In the second seven years of a child's life, his intellect and memory develop. So this is the time to teach the child. Especially at this age, the child should be taught manners and religious methods. The etiquette that children will learn from their teachers at school and from their parents at home during this second seven years, that is, between the ages of 7 and 14, will play an important role in shaping their character during adolescence and youth. The child's intelligence, memory, talent development, and learning speed are very keen at this time. His humane feelings, emotions, and behavioral characteristics in adulthood are the result of this second seven years of education. The descriptions or instructions given in the scriptures about religious manners and etiquette should be explained by the teachers in the classroom in the form of storytelling or in any other interesting way. So that the tenderhearted children can learn them and use them in their own life with their natural enthusiasm.

In the second seven years, I am summarizing the important etiquette that tenderhearted children should be taught.

  • Learning the rules of efficient exchange
  • Maintain discipline
  • To begin all work in the name of God
  • Learning the rules of food and drink
  • Awareness about cleanliness
  • Respect parents and guardians
  • Adopting the rules of socializing with others
  • Acquiring the decency of speaking
  • Know how to sleep
  • Protect the rights of others in any work,
  • To adopt the method of bathing
  • Familiarity with the method of one's own religion
  • Things to do when traveling
  • Knowledge about friendship can also be imparted.

In addition to teaching these etiquettes, the child should also be given guidance in acquiring character traits and good manners. He should be kept away from all kinds of evil deeds so that his character is not affected by those evil deeds.

In order to develop the child beautifully and properly, first, train yourself and then train the children. It is important to remember that the future of the child is undesirable due to lack of proper guidance. Therefore, parents should know about the nature of the development of the child's life and take action accordingly. The etiquette or rules that the child will learn in the school will have to be implemented immediately. They need to be taught in such a way that they can spontaneously apply those teachings to their parents or other adults. If there is no practical application of what is taught to them, then those teachings will be of no use. As a result, these educations or training will have no effect on the personality development of children.

The qualities that a child should have at this age are:

  • Honesty and speaking the truth
  • Do good deeds and kindness
  • Refrain from hate speech, backbiting, slander and gossip and gossip against anyone
  • Say the necessary words and refrain from unnecessary conversations
  • Not to oppress others
  • Not to annoy or hurt others
  • Refrain from wastage or waste
  • Avoid stubbornness or jealousy
  • Keep your word
  • Be kind, forgiving and generous,
  • Awaken fair judgment about oneself and others
  • Devotion to the elders, etc.

These are matters of constant practice. Parents need to take the utmost care and take appropriate action to correct any exceptions. It is not right to do anything out of anger or fear.

In order to acquire these qualities, the child also needs to be given proper training. Whenever a child behaves contrary to these qualities, parents should give the child proper knowledge about them through psychological care. Care should be taken so that the child is not disturbed. Fear will work in the child's mind if he teaches something by force. As a result, the main goal of training may be disrupted.

For example, if the parents do not keep the word to the child, then the child will learn to do the same. As a result, the qualities need to be acquired by the parents before they can be taught. From the age of 7 to 14, a child goes through the stage of obedience. At this time he obeys his parents, mentors, and teachers and imitates them. It is a difficult stage, which is difficult for both the child and the parent. Difficult for the baby; Because in this situation the child obeys everyone. And difficult for parents or guardians; Because at this time the child accepts the parents and mentors as the norm. As a result, parents, teachers, and guardians must be idealistic.

If the child despises his teacher in front of the parents and the parents are silent when they hear it, the result will be that the child will no longer respect that teacher. As a result, his mind will go up from his studies. On the other hand, since the teacher has become accustomed to talking, he will gradually become accustomed to talking about others. As a result, the child may become disobedient to his parents in the future. Parents must be careful. At the same time, teachers should understand the mentality of the children and treat the children while maintaining their own personality. Above all, to win the hearts of children by using their talents.

After enjoying the first seven years of a child's life, a child reaches the stage of obedience. As a result of the second seven years of obedience, some sense of responsibility and morality is awakened in the life of the child. If the child properly passes the stage of his obedience, then the child is able to acquire some intellect and knowledge with which he can help his mentors in their work. In this way, the child will reach the third seven years of his life. This stage is the stage of responsibility of the child. At this time, it is time to cooperate with the parents or family with wisdom and advice.

The child today will be the father of the child tomorrow. He will lead that nation forward towards progress. So childhood is the time to build this future leader of the nation. And the greatest teacher of the leader of the nation is the parents. The third seven years of a child's life begin at the age of fifteen. Its limit is up to twenty-one years. This is the time when a child attains youth and youthfulness. The strange crisis of coming of age occurs for the first time in the life of a child at this age limit. Due to the attainment of youth, different kinds of desires, inclinations, and tendencies appear inside the child. The child may want to fall into the trap of friendship with others. She doesn't like being alone anymore. Feels big lonely myself. So the young teenager who has passed his childhood wants to be surrounded by friends, loves to spend his time with friends. Sometimes this young man prefers to be in his own circle outside the circle of friends. At this time a world of his own was created. He is the only emperor of that world. For so long, nothing was hidden from his parents or he kept it a secret. Now he is much more restrained and balanced in his discussions with his parents. What a wonderful change! Yesterday's cheerful, the laughing-playing child has calmed down when he came to his emotional and sensitive youth. How quickly he has reached the thorny present from the free world. At the same time, rapid physical changes have a profound effect on his heart and mind. His attraction to the opposite sex also began to grow. A characteristic of young adolescents develops. That is, they are overly sensitive. The behavior of others, the conversation makes him think quickly. Sometimes he sinks into the abyss of thought, and sometimes he sits down to review the conversations of others. He likes to do research on everything. He learns to do what his peers do, what he loves. In a word, he is also inspired by the ideals of his peers. They have to follow their behavior, movement, speech, etc.

The ongoing crisis of puberty is very sensitive for the child. At this time the parents have to earn the trust of the child by showing sincerity, affection, and loving behavior. He needs to be drawn to her, to give her time, and to meet her spiritual and emotional needs. As a result of the proper behavior of the parents with the young, the childish features will gradually disappear from this young child. The young man will also understand that he is no longer a small child, now he has grown up and his intellect and talent have developed. Childish behavior can no longer be done. In this way, the child will mature in intellect and intellect.

We need to keep a close eye on whether the child is growing properly or not. If the child is hidden from sight, it is necessary to find out. We need to keep an eye on whether he is involved in life-destroying activities or whether he is involved in a conversation that will ruin his future. Due to the negligence and unawareness of the parents, the child goes astray. And the child's misguidance is not only detrimental to the family concerned; Rather, it is harmful to the whole society and the state. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure the welfare of the family, society, and the state with a proper view of the child.

The child will serve in the third seven years as Minister of State for the Family. Parents are the king and queen of the family-state. And the responsibility of the young child is to assist the king in running the state. At the same time, it becomes clear that the child has no responsibility in the internal affairs of the family before coming of age. However, as an adult, the child should take on family responsibilities and carry a heavy burden on the family. In other words, the child will be a parent's advisor, friend, and co-worker at all times. So the parent-child relationship should be intense. Just as he respects his parents, so he should pay attention to the child's personality. Thus, there should be an exchange of views on various issues. There are many parents who are reluctant to think that they are their own children. Not only is he unhappy, but sometimes he also says, ‘You are the boy of the day, what else do you know’, ‘Don’t sneeze about adults’ and so on. Such behavior hurts the child's personality. As a result, he may disrespect his parents. However, in the development of the child's personality, it should be noted that the son is satisfied with the behavior of the parents. This age is the age of freedom of thought and personality of the child. One thing everyone should keep in mind is that no matter how small a child is, he is also a perfect human being. He has intellect, intellect, thought, and conscience and unique personality. It is not right to underestimate his personality in any way. If the child's personality is diminished, the child will not hesitate to diminish the personality of the parents. As a result, the child will become disobedient to the parents. But in adulthood, the child has to practice a number of things, which will be taught by the parents. If the child is disobedient, it will not be possible to bring him back.

At this time he has to observe religious matters. Therefore, parents need to create an environment in which the child fully complies with religious rules and regulations. As I have said before, the parents are responsible for all the inconsistencies of the child. Therefore, in the matter of the purity of the child, the practice of religion, etc., the parents must first be pure. Religious deeds must be observed. If the parents are indifferent to religious matters, then the child will not obey the instructions of the parents in this matter at all. Therefore, if there is any defect in the religious affairs of the parents, it should be rectified quickly. If they are flawless, the child will also be flawless. And when parents tell their children to do what they do not do, it is normal for the child to react immediately. It is the duty of every parent to be free from this reaction of the child.

Proper upbringing, training, and development of the child are at the core of building a healthy nation. Complications related to puberty in the third seven years of a child's life. At this time a kind of change is indicated in his life, so parents should give a guide-line to the child. The young person needs to be guided to get to know himself better and to be familiar with the environment. At this time the child's physical and mental development begins to occur naturally. Especially if the child does not want to, but he continues to develop physically. And in parallel with this physical development, his mental and spiritual development also happens. They have a direct relationship with physical development. Naturally, she needs the companionship of a guardian who is honest, wise, and benevolent. Practicing personal life requires self-awareness, self-behavior, work ethic, attitudes, and reactions. He needs to know how to live. Especially when he learns to understand who I am, where I am, what is the purpose of coming to this world? He should know how to live in this world. He should also get or know the correct answer to all these questions. So that balance comes in her life, she learns to evaluate life and may be able to build a beautiful future. A famous physician and psychiatrist in England. "After a lot of research on the causes of human mental distress and discomfort, I have come to the conclusion that people with mental disorders do not have good guidelines on how to live in childhood and adolescence, and they are not properly trained," he said. Many of them are now married. Even have children. They are unknowingly transmitting their mental and spiritual turmoil and discomfort to their children

Experience is a thing that has no alternative in life. Say art, say literature, say poetry-story no matter what, this life-experience is only a metaphorical embodiment. There is no education greater than experience and no instructor. Education is the solution to obstacles, questions, or problems. The more problems you face in life, the more experience you will have. As a result, the older he gets, the richer his experience. Since a young person is much younger than adults, he is also immature in dealing with life's inconsistencies and problems. Compared to adults, his store of knowledge is as rich as his store of experience is almost zero. Young people are less likely than adults to face the ups and downs of this troubled world. Even in the way of life he has dealt less with obstacles or problems. Of course, there is a good and beneficial side to this situation for the youth. That is the treasure of his experience is sacred. That is, no problem or incident has tainted his experience. On the other hand, the simple memory of the youth has not been tarnished so far. It is still sacred. The good thing about this is that since his distance from the child's life is less than that of an adult, he can now recall his childhood memories and some of the reasons for his behavior and feelings. The result is that whenever he realizes that such behavior is not desirable, he can easily correct himself.

Since young people have a long way to go in life, they also have a chance to get to know themselves better. And if the self-realization is strong, he will be able to face the complex and difficult situations of the future in front of him properly. No matter how complicated or difficult the situation or problem may be, one should try to solve it slowly and steadily with intelligence. This initiation will be given to him by his parents. They will give advice to their young child so that the child does not think outwardly even in solving life problems. ‘Life is not a flower bed’ but rather thorny. So the child should be advised to be very careful in life.

Lack of health protection can lead to human diseases. This disease is treatable. But the consequences of diseases that occur due to lack of family peace and order are dire. The disease spreads from house to house, from society to the state. Its remedy is not easy. So the only way to prevent it. This measure must be taken at an early age. Parents need to be more aware, especially when their children are young.

One of the important things in a child's life after entering adolescence is to get to know oneself before getting acquainted with the environment around him. It is a wonder of the created world. In the normal course of the creation process, two kinds of knowledge exist within man. One is direct knowledge, the other is indirect knowledge. Indirect knowledge is the knowledge that is acquired by reading books. And direct knowledge is the special knowledge given by God. With the help of which people can think about their personality and self-reflection about their behavior. Direct knowledge is the best way to get to know or review yourself. That is, it is better to analyze oneself with the knowledge that God has given to a man or through his messengers. It is better to try to realize oneself with direct knowledge than to try to discover oneself with any external theory or philosophy, it should be understood to the children entering adolescence.

Another thing young children need to understand is that life is full of ups and downs and successes and failures. So the child must have the morale to be confident in all situations of success or failure. Leaving oneself in the hands of fate in the ups and downs of life is not a sign of a confident character. Under no circumstances should you break down in grief. In all cases, we must resist any setbacks in life by having unwavering faith in the Creator. Just as it is not right to be proud of success, it is also wrong to be confused by failure or frustration. Both of these conditions are horrible for an adult child. Children need to be encouraged to read the biography of a religious scholar. We have to read their biographies and learn how they have spent the sensitive time of their youth with so much holiness. How they have used their talents and abilities to build moral character. How to strive to become a full-fledged human being. How they have sacrificed their lives for the good of others.

In this way, children should be taught to spend their youth richly and holily by learning from the biographies of wise people. On the other hand, most of those who are driven by corruption and lawlessness in life face a highly polluted environment during most of their youth. The effects of that polluted environment later fell on their personalities. So all those hostile and polluted environments lead them astray. All parents need to be aware to keep their children away from this environment. The children also need to be given a proper idea about this in the strategy. Because if the children do not know about these crises at the stage of adolescence, then they are unknowingly forced to face the terrible effects of the polluted environment on their mentality and personality, as a result of which a complex and dark future awaits them.

There is usually endless time in front of a young man. He has the right to spend this time on various activities. But the important thing is how for what purpose or in what way he will use his time. A believing young man takes the unforeseen event or situation of his life as a test from God and accepts this accident as a stepping stone to his own progress and advancement. So he can cross the ladder of problems very consciously and make his future brighter.

If the life-goal of the child entering adolescence and his outlook on life is correct and intellectual, then his life will become bright and peaceful. He reviews his life with deep perseverance and will move on to continuous progress after passing the life struggle. With success, he will be able to enjoy reaching the ultimate goal of life.

If a young person or adolescent gets a clear idea of the various crises of his youth and the creation of this world, man, animals and other creatures from a religious point of view and is able to gain a logical and pure view, then the risk of deviating from his ideals decreases. There is no possibility of falling into the clutches of the devil. But once you fall into Satan's trap for some reason, your life will be ruined. Education or the larger purpose of life will destroy everything. As a result, all the talents and abilities of the youth will fail.

When a child reaches adolescence, physiological changes begin to take place in his body. At this age, whether it is a boy or a girl, a completely new condition is created in everyone physically. At the same time, the internal and external glands of the body become active. Modern science has shown that these glands produce whatever the body needs. However, the endocrine glands, known as sex hormones, such as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, are most involved in physiological functions and sexual perfection. This physical transformation and this new condition is an infallible provision of God's creation process. God has given this physical provision for the greater good of the creation of the next generation. He also told the proper use or application of these. If young children are not given a proper idea about this and a clear idea about its legal use, they may go astray and deviate from the norm. As a result, a dark future awaits the child.

There is some age difference between a boy and a girl to reach this physical condition. Boys usually reach this stage after fifteen years and girls after nine years. If parents are aware of the age of puberty of boys and girls, they can get a sense of their speech and behavior. Changes in the voices of boys and physical changes in girls are a pattern. Parents can understand only if they notice a little. After realizing this, give proper guidance to the boys and girls so that they do not make any mistake in this juncture of youth.

Parents need to have some plans and sequential programs to train their children. There is no way to compare children. Justice and fairness must be established among them. Be firm but kind in dealing with them. Various examples of self-reliance can be presented to them. We need to teach them to be patient and to think. Parents should cooperate in refraining from neglecting others. Children should be given the opportunity to develop their perspectives and thoughts by discussing various issues. Thoughts need to be instilled in them in such a way that they can try to solve problems on the basis of their own talents and abilities.

If the parents are dissatisfied with the child's work, they should not be angry with him but should call him calmly and explain the work to him. He understands his mood and environment at the appropriate time. It can be counterproductive to give advice when you are in a hurry. Keep in mind that keeping children under control does not mean warning them, keeping them in bondage, or restricting their freedom. If you see someone else doing something bad, you should react in a planned, cold-headed way, so that the child understands that it is not right to do something, and if you see someone doing something, you should stop.

When giving advice, in no way should there be an expressive or prohibitive expression? At the same time, the child cannot be put under any pressure. He cannot be rebuked or despised. No work can be done even with ridicule or emotional pressure. When dealing with a child, his age, talent, environment, his mental state should be taken into consideration. Even his feelings, his memory development, his upbringing, etc. should be taken care of and he should be given the responsibility to work accordingly. Above all, the best training is that which is given with love and sincerity. And the result of good training is a good family. Remember, "the rule of the sword is fleeting, but the rule of love is everlasting."

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